Someome else had an issue similar to yours. I cant remeber who and I dont remember seeing a solution. They were waiting to hear from customer service.

I have fairly large suspicion that it might be my Malwarebytes kicking in a little more than usual…perhaps, MB updated recently and I may be seeing the result…I’ll try and few things out and post the results here…

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Ok, yes…it’s Malwarebytes…disabling MB allowed the list to fall out of all the servers available…so, an we have an added dimension to all this…
If some are seeing only a few servers available, try disabling MB, picking a server and then reenabling MB…
That is what I’m doing…and I would hope I’m not delving into some riskware area…
Good luck…


Did only New users get this email?
I’ve had Alldebrid for over a year and it’s still working as it always has. I did not get any emails like this from them.

Why are some people not getting RD links, while others see no issues(unchanged). Other sites, some people are unaware of what is happening with RD and working fine, and when this is mentioned, they think people are crazy. Bottom line, is RD going down with links for apps?

Because it depends on what you are using. In KODI a lot of the Addon Dev’s have come up with a workaround. I’m using the Umbrella Addon and pulling lots of working 4K and 1080P streams from RD. Other Apps haven’t come up with a Fix

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Hi folks. I really don’t understand why anybody is surprised about AD?
Is AD not also located in FRANCE? Shouldn’t that have immediately sent up a red flag warning :triangular_flag_on_post: before switching over from RD to AD?

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Yes. Not getting many of my older programming under Premiumize
as I did Real-Debrid.

You may be right…I haven’t explored for more obscure “oldies” that I like…I have still found all the old Basil Rathbone/Sherlock Holmes movies…(I’m addicted)…30’s and 40’s films…
If some things are still missing, I’d say give Premiumize a bit more time to adjust and to expand as their company becomes larger with new subscribers, new servers and new “content”…So far, I’m pleased and happy it’s still operating…

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I would like to get some of the old tv shows also but not sure what to use.


Thanks Micki will check it out. :smiley:

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my all-d is working in USA