Yeppers… That’s why i’m all in with stock Ugoos :sunglasses:

Might be why Nvidia seems to be getting out of the streaming device business?

could be…just read this

when there a gap in the market someone will soon fill it happens all the time

Here in this environment, we tend to gaze at our own navels.

The vast majority of Fire TV/Stick customers don’t fool with sideloading.
People like us barely make a dent in Amazon’s numbers.

Keep in mind, Roku sells a lot of units both in OSs & boxes.

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yep you can count on that sadly

cant understand if they barely notice sideloaders like us why stop it

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yep I guess you could say we are on the fringe.I’m sure bozos and his analytics people have a good idea of what they are doing.they probably be glad to get rid of users like us lol

have faith there will always be an alternative lots of bright people out there

Shield Panic

Bezos has a couple of options. (1) allow sideloading and make friends of people like us (2) block sideloading, make verified apps pay a fee to Amazon to be on their device and make profits. Friends or Profits? Hummm? :thinking:

Roku sells devices for $30 yet reports profits of $56 per unit ! No sideloading!

so if you dont allow amazon update maybe you will be ok

The only corporation guilty of a monopoly is the US Government, although a real corporation is driven by profit…and so is the US GOVERNMENT and the current administration


This is hardly a surprise here. When the talks of Vega OS came out there was speculation that there would not only be a greatly reduced pool of available compatible apps that will be available for the new OS, but that there would be more restrictive sideloading capabilities baked in to the OS code.

Vega OS exists solely for the benefit of Amazon and for the support (and profitability) of its ecosystem.

If you’re like many of us here, Vega is best left ignored when their devices roll out.

Android OS, though could change, would continue to allow for sideloading.

When, and if that were to change, I’m sure there will be Linux powered box coming across the horizon that will change that…as long as it gets good dev support.

Come on, the guy clearly states this is his speculation!

did you know with emby or jellyfin you can install on roku and install a m3u/epg. Its what I do to watch iptv on roku, keeping the m3u on a vpn and sent via lan to emby. :partying_face:


WOW…TXRon, you need to organise an instructional lesson for us, share the knowledge!

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No I searched for on the insider search engine didn’t find it. You wouldn’t happen to have a video of that would you? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I will speak on this later…bit busy right now