Make sure your allow to install apps for es file explorer is turned on.
Open and click on downloads, the file should be there, click on it and you should get a pop-up asking if you want to install, then click install.

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I just did it on my shield. Go to uptodown. Search for background apps and process list. Then click on get the latest version, then scroll down to the download and click on it. Once done then click that arrow on the top bar. The apk will be listed there, long press enter on it, then click install. I have no idea what base apk is but it isn’t the background apps and processes list APK.

Oh it is @Miki, that’s just the folder name Proton drive decides to name it.

Lol. Figures, but I’m easily tricked as you know. :wink:

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FINALLY!!! @Miki you da bomb!!! And thank you so much @PapaS for helping me all day long. I knew there were still some good people out there. :v::heart:

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You can’t go wrong with @PapaS as your friend and on your side. Not to mention he’s a blast.


Never underestimate retired people.:joy: glad you got it, good work.:+1: