2 Things here:

  1. Been using Google Search for decades on phone, tablet, PC, Abacus, etc…Never any problems with it causing RAM or storage issues. I suggest you look at what on your end might be causing this
  2. If you are going to talk about another thread, why not post your displeasure in THAT thread

Troy comes in every once in awhile and mentions to be kind to each other. In my comments I wrote no need to comment and copying and pasting and leaving words out in between is not good. And when I wrote you know who you are it was referring to when I went off topic that I was jumped on by everyone else. Not cool. For your sake I will stay closer to topic and if I have a complaint I guess I will do it in that thread going forward to keep everybody happy. But as I said and as it goes for this message no need to comment. Or reply. Have a good day

How do I download DuckDuckGo to a PC? All see are apk files for Android and ISO.

As you didn’t specify I got ya windows,

But you don’t have to download anything to use it as a search engine on any operating system. You just type duckduckgo.com into the address bar of your browser and go.

That’s true but what Miki was saying you can download the browser if you want on a pc.


Yep it is. But I just wanted people to know you don’t have to download anything to use the search engine. Some people aren’t aware.

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Yup diehard Chrome/Google user here but it appears they have their own browser

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Personal opinion, the browser sucks, lack of many options when compared to Firefox. But if you’re not a power user and just an occasional user you may not notice or mind the difference.

I tried the search engine for a week but like @Tech2 with the browser, I also found it lacking.


If Big Tech does search right then why feel the need to give the middle finger to it? I mean It’s Free and Google is the best. . Corporations are in business to make money . Could care less what Troy thinks or says on this I’ve been using Google for many decades. Think for yourself don’t blindly follow what someone tells you here


Not that it ultimately proves anything, but MarkxG’s profile here says he has read over 62,000 thousand posts and yours said you have only read 310 posts. I wouldn’t assume he’s uniformed about Google.

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REALLY, MarkxG has read 62,000 posts? Maybe he needs to get a life. Just saying.


I guess I need to get a life too then, if reading a lot is indicative. Thanks for letting us know!


Not a problem, you’re welcome.

You would think that someone who loves this site so much wouldn’t be as rude as he is to others. Happy to see some of his comments got removed. Nice job TP mods.

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So it’s OK to express an opinion on this site as long as you agree with it. Apparently you’re not familiar with the 1st Amendment. Twitter used to be that way until Elon purchased it.

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My biggest gripe against google is their political bias.They should not be allowed to have any influence on subjects such as that,at least imo.If google blacklists something or someone it can ruin them.

That said it’s my go to search engine,but you shouldn’t take all their results at face value.


I don’t have a problem with anyone abiding by the rules. Those rules were created to benefit everyone and to provide insiders with a place where they can come, hang out, share their knowledge, learn from others and often give help, not to mention have a laugh or two. I am an easy guy to get along with and do my best to keep everyone focused and on topic. Opinions are welcomed, disrespect, bullying, rudeness and childish name calling are not. Those behaviours are of course not a right nor supported and of course will be dealt with. This site is Troy’s and anyone not agreeing with or wanting to adhere to the simple rules are welcome to leave. No judgement. So lets get back to the topic at hand and leave this behind us please.