from the devs post on another forum:

afFENity is based on a very early version of FL. FL is amazing for what it accomplishes outside of the “normal way” of doing some things in kodi (mainly settings related). however, my preferences are different. mainly I just wanted to see how fork-able FL was at that point while still being able to integrate the changes I prefer (mainly no external scrapers req/file size filter).

afFENity received very few updates, it may never get another update (never say never). there is no point in mimicing FL consistently. FL is amazing, just use FL as dev is the best around.

that being said, if you want to install it, the kodi file manager source address (for afFENity only) for the time being will be:

this requires “install from zip file,” select the source, select the zip file and wait for it to complete, it may take a bit to download/install.

but i am using the collation

fyi, Kodi Addon Crowned #1 - #26 by kodifitzwell