It’s a little involved to setup so you want to use a computer of some sort to copy and paste the codes involved in the install. Search Stremio install on or here and it will make it much clearer. Once setup all you do is download the Stremio app and all your settings automatically apply. All add ons are stored in the cloud and not on your device so not to clog it up. So you setup on pc and then install app on stick and your done. Just need to watch and read the tutorials.

As far as builds go I personally don’t use them. I just use Kodi with The Crew or The Promise or whatever app you choose runs much better. But if you want a Streamlined build try Skeleton Crew. It runs great.

You can download the APKs onto your 4k Max . You use “Downloader” to install them. APKs are Android install files, similar to. exe in windows. So once you use them to install any app then you delete them as they aren’t needed. Also if you want to use Kodi on your Stick then don’t get a full build. Instead use one of Troy’s “Forks” and just load one or two addons.

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Any new user should be reading our guides they outline this very issues… Please use our search.

Take a look here for the best recommend aps with real debrid setup.

Please review this for all firestick issues and guides, if the following hasn’t worked feel free to ask.

This should resolve most to all issues.

Thank you for the information.

I may well get rid of Crewnique. Even with the new 4k Max, it runs slow and through many iterations before you get to what it is you’re looking for.

My understanding is that because I quote unquote paired them, if I get rid of Clinique I get rid of cody. Which means I have to reinstall cody, which is no big deal. But, I want to make sure real debrid is authorized with a new installation of Kodi.

Thanks again for your input, I appreciate it,


You can uninstall crewnique, read the above that dracoo posted, lots of things your trying to do. Crewnique should work good so not sure about that. But I would slow down and get one thing working good and then move to another.

Yes. I’m not racing from app to app. I’d like to have a few stable add ons that do what they’re supposed to do, and leave it at that.

I will read the info posted.

Thank you,


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With my new Firestick 4K Max, I’ve now installed Kodi with the Crew add on, and the latter is properly paired with RD/authorized.

However, I don’t believe that’s the case with Film +.

I don’t see any colored links or PAID/FREE info indicating that Real Debrid is authorized and working with Film +.

Could someone point me to a tutorial (if there is one) focused on authorizing/pairing RD within the Film + application?

Any insight or help greatly appreciated,


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Our guide i believe has it. Take a look at our main site. Also, you need to go over over all this info your self as we have a guide for everything.

A firestick does not need much paired with RD. Very limited as you will get everything with like 3 apps.

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You will need a real debrid account.

Well IMHO that all depends on your needs and likes. Stremio, as an example, returns dozens of quality streams and sources without Real Debrid. So if you are on a limited or restricted income and can’t afford another expense, you can get your movies and series without it using Stremio.

I’m glad u found something that works for u. I was referring to the crew add on for Kodi. At $30 a year for real debrid, it’s a must.

Oh I know what you were referring to, I just wanted those who maybe visiting here for the first time and reading these that while Real Debrid is a top knotch premium service, in fact it really isn’t “needed”, there are alternatives for those on a limited budget. :wink:


Thank you; I appreciate your insight and help,


:relieved: Thanks again,


You are very welcome mg. I hope you’re successfully working uour way through all this learning. I admire your efforts.

Just to 2nd Miki. If the main objective is to watch movies then stremio is your best bet hands down. Less issues than the others which come and go. The only one that is reliable is stremio. Kodi builds break often and unless you are a die hard enthusiast and would rather just watch and not fix…Stremio, did I say stremio is great :rofl: :sunglasses:

Thanks for all your help. I’ve actually been added quite a while, and I believe I discovered Troy point very soon after he launched in 2009. His tutorials, obviously, our invaluable. Otherwise, I would be lost. I think I’ll stick with what I’ve got now, which is Cody plus the crew add-on Plus the sports add-on, mad dog or whatever that is. Which I am using right now, to watch my Boston Bruins. And I also have film plus. I would like to see a film Plus can be paired with rd. Again thank you for all your help, all of you,


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Settings tab in the menu bottom of the list, Rd login first thing

Thank you. I’ll check it after the game,
