If your using mx player hw+ has to always be on. Always have hardware acceleration on, it sloves alot of issues.
Use vlc or just player instead of mx if using syncler or stremio. Those 2 players are the best.
I dont think you are having a network issues if all your devices with vpn on off are above 50 down then my thoughts are your video play back players.
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Another thing to eliminate is your SanDisk 128GB Extreme PRO USB 3.2.
I would try an older and smaller flash drive. I’ve had troubleshooting warnings from other programs that wouldn’t work with the latest and greatest or too large capacity. Just an idea.
One other thing, if possible is to use/borrow a different streaming device and see if that works like it is suppose to. Then you would know it was the Nvidia.
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Copy that @ProBowler thnx for that info. If Syncler also buffers on your Nvidia devices’ native internal storage, then IMO, all of the SanDisk drives as a possible culprit are eliminated. Eliminate what’s not causing the problems so you can focus on what is. TXRon brought up network possibilities as a possible reason…2 things: have/can you hook up ethernet to any of your devices? If so, you can 1) determine if something in the wifi is the problem…2) you can totally bypass your router by directly plugging into your modem to determine if router/wifi is problem 3) ethernet cable btwn modem/router could also be faulty. My thoughts on troubleshooting your actual network devices.
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Process of elimination. You need to methodically address each part of your system and as I often do “think back” to what has been done. I suspect network due to the fact ive delt with it in the last year. I have a GB connection and encountered various streaming issues. Its my take that a downloading beast does not nesasarilly make a fast streamer.
Break it down, make a list,notes etc. Often when one really diggs in they often find the issue was much simpler than they thought. If you want to elliminate the sandisk from the problem then disconnect from it, leave it out untill you find the that hmmmm problem still persist even without the sandisk…1 check mark…and so on
TX is right. I Iiterally have 6 books full of configuration and trouble shooting not only for APP configuration and Firestick optimizing but for server locations and VPN protocols that work the best for me and my customers. There are even tools on the Firestick that people don’t know about like System X-ray and don’t get me started on the ADB shell commands. It’s all about patience and learning.
I use a 2017 Shield Pro. I purchased a Sandisk to run with it & had nothing but problems. Purchased a solid state 128GB disk, had lag problems. Finally went with my old reliable Samsung Bar 3.1, 128GB & have had zero problems.
It is a cheap solution & when you receive a warning from the Shield of a low speed warning this means the Shield is unable to read the usb flash drive properly regardless of flash drive manufacturer advertised speed. I believe it to be a flash drive compression problem. Please try a Samsung Bar128GB 3.1 & see if this solves the problem. I would also revert the Shield to original settings.
I have had similar problems previously & Sandisk were so often I now only use Samsung Bar’s. Hope this helps but as I see it - when the Shield says too slow, unreadable etc, this is the problem to be solved - Shield is unable to use the flash drive properly so buffering is the end result.
Have you tried a ssd? I’ve read that the speeds are unbelievable.
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I tried a SanDisk Extreme Pro 3.1, 128GB SSD & my experience was so bad I now use this drive on my Pro-Mac as music, pictures storage where it works excellently.
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To everyone who was kind enough to respond to my query, especially TXRon, TP-Dracoo, Matrix and Pangaeatech.
I think the problem is solved. Well, not exactly solved but I think I found the culprit to my dilemma. I had a laundry list of things to try from many of you, beginning with another speed test. I always make alterations on my issue during the day, including speed test, but the buffering is always there during evening hours. I simply don’t watch TV, nor have I tested it, during the day. Yesterday evening I had severe buffering, as usual.
Today at 1:00 PM, I had none. NONE - Not on any TV. 4k heaven without a glitch. Checked my speed with & without VPN and is between 200 & 300 with VPN. That means only one thing to me - This is an ISP issue. I don’t know how else to explain why I can run (unbuffered) at 720p at night and 4K during the day. Somehow this never came up before. DUH! Thank you Comcast. NOT!
I can’t wait for tonight to try a speed test. Sometimes the simplest of things escapes us. Shame on me for missing the obvious. I wish I could do more than just say thank you to all who have helped me with this. It gives me hope for humanity. 
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Networking issue? So it seems and yes the traffic is heavier in PM due to streaming. You can contact the isp but most likely will not do nothing but they can and should check it out.
The problem with isp’s is tech support. You will wind up with a level 1 who is too busy playing mindcraft and taking selfies… demand to level UP
…2 or 3…lemme speak to your boss 
Seriously if you can change your dns servers. Good luck
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Copy all that PB…just a thought tho…nighttime generally constitutes high traffic/bandwidth congestion…peak time for ISP internet usage. Your speed will basically be irrelevant as it relates to your buffering…due to you already having 5-10x more than you need going thru your VPN…so even if comcast throttled you back during peak hrs, I’m guessing you’ll still be way above the 25-ish Mbps needed to stream 4k…there just may be higher server congestion wherever you reside. And one more thought…you may want to take a peek at your event log in your modem…zero in on the time of day/nite…there may be some info there that you’ll be able to glean…maybe not…but you never know. You can do a search to find out how to get into your modem if you don’t already know…mine is…yours will be something close to that. Also, you may need to do a search on any event errors, unless you’re a telecom engineer…most of it is pure Greek to me, & I used to work for them.
Also GL2U
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