Thank you for all your hard work, and the excellent manuals and videos you created it helps a lots, and to find the right solution, and solving lots of issues. Thank you :blush:


A post was merged into an existing topic: TROYPOINT onn. Android TV Box Giveaway

A post was merged into an existing topic: TROYPOINT onn. Android TV Box Giveaway

A post was merged into an existing topic: TROYPOINT onn. Android TV Box Giveaway

A post was merged into an existing topic: TROYPOINT onn. Android TV Box Giveaway

Troy. Thanks for all you do. I have learned almost everything from you over the last few years. I am glad to become a Patron today.


I was using the insider before you launched the current one. I have no founder by my name, but I can get all the founder privileges.

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You would need to speak to troy on that, you don’t have founder privileges, feel free to pm me to discuss your account

Thanks for being a insider


@TROYPOINT I was using the insider before this last release, so I was wondering what my account status is.

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Pmed sir, this will need to be pmed.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: BuzzTV Android TV Box/Stick Giveaway

You are spectacular.


Totally agree with you Troy because by accessing some of these sites if where not fully protected either by vpn or something scammers can definitely access more then we think. I enjoy just having a place to come an obtain all this very useful info.
Without what Troy has put together things is a lot harder to find for sure so I want to just say thanks again most definitely. I can remember before I ever heard anything about TroyPoint wow it would take me hours to jailbreak a box but needless did I know your vpn has pretty much everything to do with unlocking a lot of things and also it keeps you safe. Although some vpns aren’t as good as others. I absolutely love the application Troy has that throws the green status light at the top right of your screen if your vpn is connected and red if you’re not connected. Great application saves me a lot of time from having to jump back to Home Screen an click my vpn just to make sure things are working so guys if you don’t have it be well worth checking it out it’s under troypoints apps @



I have been seeing alot more IPTV providers being mentioned by newcomers, Please read this topic, we cant have them being posted here.

Also, i want to welcome alot of the newcomers to this site, however please do your best to use our search for common issues or tutorials, I also spent alot of time making short cuts here in mega topics for everyone. If there is anything els i can do let me know. This community is great and the people here are so helpful. Thank you again.


I agree 100%. TROYPOINTE is my number one source for information.


We appreciate all the hard work you’re putting in my guy. Good to see you hope all is well :fist_right:t3::boom::fist_left:t3:


Hello @rjwinkler The Founding members are those who purchased my e-course waaaay back in the day. This was called Fire Unleashed and had nothing to do with this site. The Patron membership was built specifically for this site. Yes, with your Patron privileges you can get everything that the Founding members get.


troy i love what i have learn,thanks for all you and your patriots do

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I want to thank you for all the great information that you provide to everyone! I have never regretted cutting the cord and buying an Amazon Fire TV stick! I would recommend anyone looking to cutting the cord that they check out your helpful information and it’s always great to have something to refer to while learning how to cut the cord and I’m always learning something different and all the latest updated information !

Thank you for all the hard work you put into providing your followers the most updated information!