Whenever I wanted to get answers, Troypoint was the place to go.


Thanks for supporting TROYPOINT!


Hi I have been following your posts for a while and have found all your information very useful thank you :blush:

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Thanks for the invite you helped me a complete novice to set up my firestick and also my daughters. You are the man thanks


Troypount is the best! They helped me cut the cord and more over a year ago. It’s been a great experience!


Thank you!

When I first heard of Troypoint I was convinced it was some sort of scam but over time while learning I found myself constantly coming back.

Excellent site, excellent tools and tutorials. This is my goto site!

$15 bucks to support this awesome community?

Done, keep it up! :sunglasses:



Thanks Troy for all you and your Team do! There’s No doubt you all have increased the number of cord cutters with info/tutorials, etc. you’ve provided over the years! Keep it up.


I have been following Troypoint for the past 8 months… So far I have found it to be one of the most informative places to go for help and advise. Glad to be part of this forum.


Thanks for your comment and also thanks for supporting us by becoming a Patron!

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Thanks for the invite. It has been your tutorials that have allowed me to set up my Firestick without me ripping out all my hair. Keep up the good work, it is greatly appreciated!


I’ve been a follower now for some time… thanks for the invite… I’m looking forward to taking a full part.


Wow… I used to mod the original xboxs years ago. Still have one and apart from replacing a dodgy HD still use it to this day… So easy to run the emulators smoothly on this ancient system but gave up on xbmc eventually and moved to android. Love your work, keep it up. Thanks


Hey Troy,

Prior to opening up membership the price to join was over $100 to become a lifetime member.

Now you’re allowing a limited number of Patrons can you tell me what is different access wise, and perhaps offer insight as to why you went this route?



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Hello @Capp the old Fire Unleashed e-course provided over 40 various tutorials for cord cutting. The main reason why we went this route is because as soon as I created a new tutorial for something, the app or service was taken offline. Things have changed a lot over the past 2 years in this space compared to back in the Fire Unleashed days when this stuff wasn’t as popular and information was hard to come by. Plus, back then, these addons and services didn’t get shut down as often. If I tried to do the same type of site today, it would be a nightmare trying to keep everything updated. Plus, I don’t believe in charging someone for information that is now easily found on the Internet/YouTube. Hopefully that answers your question. Thanks for being a Patron!


Could you tell me how to ask a question on this forum. I can’t seem to figure it out.

New topic on top right…

Seems to be hit or miss on the link I gave but works every time when I open the [TROYPOINT Insider] [PM] Thanks for spending time with us
Message and clicking “start a new topic”

Of course I may be completely wrong… :thinking:

Good luck!!!

I understand. Timing is everything espec. when it comes to the net and you chose well I think. Putting your members before profit shows respect and a genuine desire to just be helpful.

Makes me proud to be a member :slight_smile:

Appreciate the informative response.



A post was split to a new topic: Router Question for VPN on Xbox

Thank you Troy!!! You are the best!


Thanks for the invite and all your hard work