My IPTV sub costs me $6:50/mth for 2 connections. Served me well for over a year. When in Mexico I charged my customers $10/mth. I wasn’t in it to get rich, just make a bit of cerveza money.


I know how use downloader and install apps and APKs. Used Kodi when I started out years ago. Just wondering about some options I can get w TP, that I seem to not be able to have access to. Just not sure if I can name them? Again a senior citizen that knows just enough to be dangerous!

Sr here as well 69 next week. Just for your knowledge, APKs are downloaded and activated not installed. Android Package Kits are similar to the old Win Doze exe. They are just the installer and once used should be deleted to save space.

Probably not.
TP is NOT a service in any regard.

Good beer’s more expensive here in the states and probably even more so up there, eh :grinning:

When I went to Mexico beer was 75 cents each, after 4 years it was up to around $5.00 , up here beer in a bar is $7.50 +

Next question is Surfshark a good vpn? And is the 60.00 for 2yrs + 4 mos free worth it?

Yes it’s a good VPN, they have good deals - about 2,15 per month is not bad.
I clicked on TP link for surfshark - for me it’s £2.29 per month, but my current deal ends 2025.

IPTV - paid v free

Free if you accept issues with big live events and understand you will keep having to find options when free options are shut down.

Paid for stress free access as they should have multiple options for popular streaming channels, good service will have catch up services for popular channels. VODs / TV series should be considered as a bonus because they will not have every thing on their servers.

How much? - took month subs to fully test IPTV service, then switched to yearly option, Pay £50 - £60 per year.

TP - great place to seek help / learn. Awesome peeps here share their knowledge

That’s kinda what I said, I said “if you find value in it, let it be…” if it doesn’t have value to me, who am I to tell anyone they shouldn’t continue with said service if they find value.

You cant name iptv providers here, i think you would be ok naming what apps are included, cinema and beetv etc.

I’m most interested in the ad killer that ipvanish doesn’t have.

Happy anniversary @Tmkowalski

I used to have IpVanish, but switched to Surfshark. Love the Ad blocking aspect. Works great. Price is great too.

@Tmkowalski it is not advisable to post your personal email here for the whole world to see.

Now I know why my response was flagged to a comment. How does one contact a locked group?

You are a Patron and have access to locked groups to post on.
On the header you will see the hamburger, for me it’s top right, click on that, then click all categories, half way down on the left, and you will see all the available categories including the locked ones. Also it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the rules. Then you’ll avoid being flagged. Thank you for your understanding.