Oh it’s not really a problem, just need to get use to it again. I have txt set to small but would have preferred a “brighter” EPG. The top bar now being1/3 of the screen has reduced the number of displayed channel lines by 4. So where I use to see 12 I now see 8 although reducing font size I now see 9. Not a biggy just more scrolling. I am wondering about the firestick and cube users that have claimed the sysrem file picker now works though. I hope that’s true. Same for those using the T95Z. Waiting to hear if access has been fixed as well for 'droid 11-15. That’s much more important than the cosmetic touchs. It may be sheer coincidence that I am seeing slightly less buffering. @TXRon is right on the money.


I need a link for to download the latest version. Troy doesn’t have it. Anyone?

It’s in the playstore. The following link also has the latest 5.0.0

I cant get my color scheme back either although it still looks ok. I prefer the dark gray background with the orange selection color but no matter what you set it will not change. :thinking:


I noticed the selection colour is just the little arrow to the left of the line I highlight as well as all the “radio” buttons in the settings. . My EPG is grey background with white lettering even though I’ve chosen blue background… The channel my focus is on becomes white background with black lettering.

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This update has fixed the System Picker issue on the T95Z devices. So now you can access the system picker and choose where to record to. Hopefully the same goes for others experiencing this issue. Give it a try everyone. This is huge IMHO.


Thanks for the link MIKI. The playstore wants to delete some of my side programs when I go there, so I have to turn it off. Is there an easier way I may be missing something. I have the Nvidea Pro.

In the pro I turn off play protect and scanning. So open the playstore. Scroll to the top bar then right to highlight your Avitar. On the left you will see:
Manage apps & games
Play Protect
So click down twice to highlight Play Protect and on the right you will see two options:
Scan apps with Play Protect
Improve harmful app detection
So click right once to highlight the top option and disable it by clicking on the slider and do the same for the other one as well. Enjoy.


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Lets say I have an IPTV source that provides ONE stream and also an m3u.
If I use Tivimate with the m3u, does that count as my ONE stream?
OR is the ONE stream only for within the actual app and m3u viewing does not count?
Thanks for any guidance.

That would equal 2 streams.

The m3u is your playlist. As is Xtream Codes parameters. Now most IPTV subs are added with Xtream codes and you get however many connections you pay for. M3U8 are usually the free lists and a single connection. So you could have multi screen from a free M3U8 as well as from your paid sub and if say you have a paid sub with 3 connections then you could have 3 screens from them.

Thanks MIKI, that did the trick for me.

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Trying to backup my Tivimate and it keeps failing. All the files show up and I’m trying to use the backup file. Before I had a problem and had to start over the backup did appear, so not sure what I’m doing wrong now. Thanks

Try the system picker option for making a backup.

I tried that and it went to the home screen. I know it’s looking for something

Try making a new file. What file manager are you using?

ES FILE EXP PRO and File browser.

Mine did that also on Hako Pro box in the garage. It shows “system picker” now when I use that feature Tivimate force closes.

I use X-plore and create a file “All recordings” on my external ssd and then click use this folder/file and allow all permissions when accessing it with the System Picker.

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