You would think the developer would at least post a changelog.

Where would I find the web-based platform for managing subscriptions


Sign in and click on the Dashboard.

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For my Catchub sub in the Playlist>Catch-up I now have:
ā° None
ā° Auto
ā° Xtream Codes
ā° Flussonic

And yes a change log would seem to make sense after every update or even with the update notice.


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Iā€™ve looked everywhere and canā€™t find it.

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Oh, ok, Iā€™ve never looked in there. Mine is set to Xtream Codes. I just now tried each setting in there and nothing changed. What is supposed to be the difference for each setting?

If this last update fixes the complaints. Then I doubt weā€™ll see another update this year.

Timeshift would be a nice added feature. Also, to be able to create collapsible subfolders, i.e., sports >baseball>teams. Sports folder expands to Football, Basketball, Baseball, etcā€¦ Then you can expand each sub folder to reveal teams, Cubs, Sox, etcā€¦

Ability to select a default startup channel would be a nice addition.

Organizational OCD! lol

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I havenā€™t a clue what any of them do tbh. I never saw the need for Catch-up. I do agree adding Timeshift would put TiViMate back on top imho. I love your idea of a collapsible sub folder. Right now I have to organize the EPG Sports list I made alphabetically for specific events and a collapsible sub list would make things much simpler and certainly tidier. Default start channel should have been done years ago. But I am glad to see a few valuable updates. I have had comments from a couple of T95Z owners that the update has made it so that they can now access the System Picker to set recordings, which they werenā€™t able to do before, but I havenā€™t seen any comments on Reddit etc. regarding others noticing this on their devices. Has always worked on my Shield Pro.

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I just got Tivimate earlier in the week and loving it so far. Hadnā€™t heard of it until I joined here! More credit to the good people of the insider forum.


Since the update, I did have to re-arrange the order my channels on my 2nd generation Fire Cube TV and FireTV 4K. Was a little tricky in doing so on the 4K. Plus ā€œAll channelsā€ now includes so many more channels we donā€™t want on the 4K, but not on the Cube. ā€œAll Channelsā€ on the Cube includes only US channels, which we prefer.

Since the update, weā€™ve been having buffering. Even after the first update. The buffering remained with 5.0.1 premium version update.

I donā€™t know why the updates would cause buffering I did not have before. Iā€™m just reporting this, not asking for help. When I have the time I look into the many threads on buffering and see if I can find some info that will help. The buffering isnā€™t too often so I havenā€™t yet hit my annoyance threshold where I will be motivated to start searching for remedies! I did try different buffer sizes.

**I just saw there is a version 5.0.2 Iā€™ll install that. Maybe that will help.

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In your All playlists in the left panel, long press on any playlist you want to remove channels/groups from and on the right pop-out scroll down to Manage groups and click on that. Scroll down to any groups you donā€™t want and click on them to deselect.
Have fun and STREAM ON!!!

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He did update the exoplayer. So not sure if that is the culprit. I would suggest try using an external player on one that is buffering and see if it is repeated.

Btw, you are not the only one posting this issue. It seems to be a random issue which makes it harder to pin down.


I was hopping the ability to pause live
TV would be in one of the updates.
Catch up is the only way to pause ,"sort of ", live
TV without actually recording it.
You would think, with all the capabilities of TiVIMate, pausing live
TV would be GREAT.
If Buzz box can do it why not TVM.

Iā€™m still using t i v i May 5.01 and Iā€™m having issues now with recording. Initially seem to be pretty stable but now Iā€™m having issues with recording. Iā€™m waiting for 5.02 to hit the toolbox so I can download it. Hopefully itā€™ll take care of the recording issue.

I got the 5.0.2 from
Tivimate 5.0.2 Downloader Code: 507009

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I probably spoke too soon, I went back to the toolbox and 5.02 was there downloaded it donā€™t see no difference. Hope the recording gets better.

The only dif I could find was some additional options in Catch-up and they fixed the EPG colour complaints. Nothing else.

I didnā€™t notice any change on the color. I do notice now that it will record a channel itā€™s buffering real bad it just skips the buffering and jumps only records whatā€™s a good feed when it starts buffering it skips it without losing the recording all together.

I was able to change the background from dark to something less harsh on the eyes but my groups have been reordered as well as the channels on the guide. Some of the groups are missing. When I tried to revert back to v 4.7, the message said app not installed. How can I go back to the previous version?