suggest you use some stand alone apps there are some very good ones out there

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Tx to @TXRon for the new insider meme. Way cool.


Are you using Kodi 21? I searched on Seren Omega and it shows cached results. To the right is an option to view uncached results.

Your RD results should already be cached.

Do you not have this on your screen?

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If you want a list let me know

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Also, try Umbrella, FEN and Coalition. They all provided cached results for me using RD.

I use a different VPN but cant see how that would matter.

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Plenty of cached torrents on Homelander and Umbrella

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Also, in The Crew settings under “playback” you can have RD verify torrent are cached and remove uncached.

EDIT: Forgot to ask the obvious…

Did you make sure your addons are synched to RD. If you made changes to kodi the account may not have stayed active.

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Hi there @pirate77 I tried Cinema last night, but it keeps buffering. Saw Troy posted an email about Streamio, Will install that and see how that is working. I have tried Umbrella as another dear friend here suggested, also didn’t receive any cached links. I would really love the list you were talking about. I have downloaded the APKTime app from Troy’s toolbox and will try more apps on there. In the past I have stuck to Kodi and the addons we get there, but I am really open to “surf” new territory lol. Kodi is not showing me love anymore LOLOL Appreciate you and all the fellow members who have taken time out of their busy day to help me solve my problem. Hugs to all of you @Miki @JPM69 @MarkxG

Umbrella is a Fantastic Addon and Lightening Fast. Did you also Add the Coco Scrapers?


@MarkxG thank you for your response, I have installed Cocoscrapers every time Troy adds it into his “recipes” on how to install addons. Had no luck still. I do not know if something has changed in Canada the last week or so that I am not aware of. But for some ODD reason no Kodi addon cached thingy is working for me :cry: I will keep trying. Thank you once again for your reply and your help. Hugs

Hmmm that is strange. I just installed it a few days ago and getting tons of cached streams. Do you have Real Debrid and is your subscription active?


Yeah i found it strange too. @Lynette16 say uses RD so her results should be Cached.

@Lynette16 can you take a picture of your results so we can see what you mean? Maybe you or we arent understanding the issue correctly.

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Oh My WOOOOORD Guys @JPM69 @JPM69 @pirate77 I feel like a real blonde!! :rofl: Please except my apology for wasting your time (smh) I have not realized it was time to fund the RD account again. Hectic how time flies lol Normally I set an alarm on my phone to give me a hint, or when streaming RD with tell me my account is getting close to renewal time. I am soooo sorry for all the time you spent and I am just “stupid”. LOL not suppose to say that, but there is NO other word :rofl: :rofl: I will go back to my old ways and watch Kodi 21 with all the favourite addons like umbrella, seren, the crew etc. You guys were absolutely amazing and I wish I can give you an apology hug. LOL Take care my new friends. And thank you for all the tips. Lynette from Canada over and out :rofl: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :star_struck:


We are all glad the mystery was solved! Glad it’s just forgetfulness and not something more serious.

Glad we could help!

There is an app/addon called account manager that keeps track for your debrid expiration date. It also authorizes all your addons for debrid and trakt at one time.

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LOL you have no idea how many times I’ve spent hours reinstalling stuff only to then realize my RD sub expired. Now I put a reminder in my Google calendar a few days before I run out.


Yeah @MarkxG the difference is your perfect! LOL. :rofl: :sunglasses:

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Oh lord @MarkxG help me. I did something really bad. I’ve gone ahead and installed Kodi 21 fork and now I have this screen saying my “library is currently empty”. Look I know I’m not the brightest star in the sky, but is Kodi always this rude??? Empty library indeed!!! Now what???

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Ignore that @Miki it’s not used

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Instead of trolling me perhaps you should go play with your Broken Shield


@JPM69 @MarkxG Haha So happy you are not mad. And I will definitely take a look at the Account Manager App. Have also calendered (it there a word like that :sweat_smile: ) the renewal for Nov. Dang, I could not understand all of a sudden my streaming thingies are all messed up :rofl:

Thanks guys. You are genius and you have a huge new admirer :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :star_struck:

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