@Miki have you ever been called a BOT before? :rofl:

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I think Butt but Bot. Nope. :joy:


Your comment (there wasnā€™t an actual question asked) is about Real Debrid and how different APKs give different results.

This thread is about how to use Real Debrid and APKs. Seems pretty on target.

Some posts may go off topic but the general topic is still there.

It is a common misconception on these forums that if you post a question within an existing thread, it will get less looks and responses. This just isnā€™t true and not the case, we see and answer all that we are able no matter where the post is placed. Since that is the case, Troy prefers us to combine into a SIMILAR topic versus starting a new thread. Most threads go off topic about equally anyway lol.


Well now that we went off topic againā€¦

Can anyone explain to @sktn77a why the results are different between apks using the same RD account?

Yes. Any more questions :question: :joy: Sorry just being a smart a**. Itā€™s due to a couple of different factors. Scrapers and coding and lastly Aliases. To expand on aliases. Lets say a movie is called Mikeā€™s most amazing adventure. A Kodi scraper may find that exact title whereas Stremio wonā€™t, but lets say you put in Mike most amazing adventure in Stremio, leaving the 's off, you may then find that exact title you were looking for.

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Huh!! LOL

Not following that at all. Both programs are going to RD with the identical search text - why are they getting different results returned?

Because they use different scrapers with different coding and different alias search parameters. Sorry I donā€™t know how to word it any different as that explains exactly why. Itā€™s like sending out two different police departments to search for someone but while both may be searching for the same person they search in a different way and one department finds the person while the other doesnā€™t as they have different information to do their search.

I always had the same question myself, when I download the cinema HD for a couple weeks and notice that all the streams are different from stremio. RD on both. I donā€™t quite get it myself but Iā€™ll leave it at that.

Not sure why itā€™s so hard to understand. Android does things differently than FireOS for example as they are different codes. Same goes for scrapers. Maybe an on line search would help understand the reason not all scrapers are created equal and will find different results. Have a good night.

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I think what @Miki is saying is take Google, Bing and DDGo. Put in the same search parameters and you will get different top results.

Its not what you are searching for but its what they are using to find your results.

At least thats how i understood it.

Thank God I only use kodi! The #1 TP rated APK! :grin:


sorry but they left that chapter out!


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You read the wrong book thatā€™s why.

You need Scrapers for Dummies!



Is that the S t r e e m i o Version? asking for a Friend :joy:


@Miki ā€¦ :index_pointing_at_the_viewer: BOT = Best On Troy ā€¦Boss Of Threadsā€¦Baddest Overseer Todayā€¦Bringing Others Togetherā€¦


Well, joking aside, I could understand this if we were not using RD. All of these apps access different providers. But Iā€™m not aware they use these in accessing (ā€œscrapingā€, ā€œcrawlingā€, etc) RD - they are just going directly there and pulling information that RD has accessed using whatever ā€œscrapersā€ or ā€œcrawlersā€ it uses.

Well i tested this on kodi with 3 different addons. Umbrella, Coalition and Fen.

Searched for the same exact movie title under each and got back 3 different results. They were all the same movie but with diffent sizes/ quality listed. None had the same links as its top picks.

This was for 1080 or below as this tv isnt 4k. But you can test it with 4k yourself if you like.

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Torrentio uses 11 different scrapers, unless you deselect some, all search the RD DB in different ways. The RD DB is huge. But regardless we all get what weā€™re after whether we understand how thatā€™s done or not. Have fun and STREAM ON!!!

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Things have gotten better lately though as far as scrapers or Rd or whatever, couple years ago I was trying to watch an old cop show and Kodi with Rd and str m i o cannot give me a good feed but I got a good feed from my IPTV service. Last week I looked up that same cop show strmio and all the streams are excellent now so Iā€™m starting to watch the episode.

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