The channels that are working are great but many were giving playback errors, some would work after a second or 3rd try. The one that has the has the most working is the alibaba one believe it or not.
]]>I still get quite a few channels with playback error
Most IPTV providers are Shite - When you find a good one hold on for dear life!..Lots of buffering, playback errors etc…Also do you have the ONN or ONN Pro?
I put smarters on my laptop and it seems to have fixed the failure to connect between providers.
I still get quite a few channels with playback errors but I guess that could be pretty normal, I am just jumping around and selecting random channels.
I7 Laptop and the menus are not smooth. the android box seems to be better for this.
I will check out the video after some sleep. I guess the answer is a better box.
Thanks for the help.
]]>My own choice is using Formuler because of the IPTV app and the remote
Also see Troy’s video,
Onn 4k box
2GB ram / 8 GB storage? - could be the issue and why it works after Clearing cache and reboot
You could try different apps for each provider,
IPTV smarters provider 1
XCIPTV provider 2
Tivimate provider 3 etc
Onn 4k box
Surf Shark
IPTV Smarters Pro v4
GB internet connection
I set it up with multiple providers, one purchased and a couple of trials. Everything works fine with only one provider. Once I start switching between them they stop working. I get playback errors or just blank screens. Clearing cache and reboot helps until I switch providers again.
I downloaded XCIPTV and same issue.
Im not sure if it is an issue specific to the Onn box or something software related.
I am not sure if I need to try a different device or what I may be doing wrong.
Other apps work fine and stream with no issue. It just seems to be the iptv player setup with multiple providers I cant figure out.
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