My Onn Box 4k took over my Shields spot
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I just use 4K Maxx because what I stream for the shield has more than I need.
I offer free and responsible recycling (repurposing) for all Shields that no longer have a purpose.

66 NVIDIA SHIELD Android TV Pro Streaming Media Player; 4K HDR movies, live sports, Dolby Vision-Atmos, AI-enhanced upscaling, GeForce NOW cloud gaming, Google Assistant Built-In, Works with Alexa : Everything Else
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WOOHOO! May get another one to just display in my picture window! lol

Good idea-it will offset the one that you bury from the world. 
Yes the Nvidia Shield is still the best even not having 4k ram nor 54/128 memory like some devices have. I have a shield tv and works great and never had an issue and several mecool devices and the Buzz X5 special addition 128ax recently reviewed by Troy. The mecool devices all work well and haven’t had any issues but the Buzz TV X5 has had issues such as wont turn on with remote over 50% of time and even though having receive antennas, it doesn’t receive wifi signal any better than any other device from distant rooms. The buzz remote really sucks as no feeling where your fingers are so always have to look to avoid wrong buttons.
We have a Buzz admin in here. Rather than be frustrated have you tried contacting him and asking his advice? I don’t have a Buzz but I have seen him help ppl out when asked, and doing so successfully.
ram=random access memory… 4gigs is great on a streamer 64gb is actual memory, 32 is plenty and actually the 16 on the shield is fine. Extra or more storage than that is only needed for recording.
I explain it to my customers in simple terms they can visualize and understand. I equate RAM to the desk in an office. The bigger the desk the more files you can have immediately at hand, and open to use or work on. A small desk and you can’t have many files to work with and if you try to add to many they fall off the desk and you lose stuff or it gets all jumbled up and you can’t find squat.
Now ROM is like the filing cabinets in an office. You store stuff in there for future use and safe keeping. It takes longer to access these files as you have to get up, walk over to the cabinets, open them up, find your file and then carry it over to the desk to open and use.
Now that is a super basic explanation, but it gives you a good foundation for how RAM and ROM work.
Have fun and STREAM ON!!
If I ever want to record a program, sporting event to watch later, a movie, etc… would I have to purchase a different Nvidia Shield Pro with more than the 16gb or add an external drive to save or record to?
If I were to record on most any box I would use external storage or merge external with internal, reason being it keeps clutter down on your main system. Movies etc takes up a lot od storage. I use a 5tb external drive for recording.
If you use internal storage issues will arise as the box starts filling up.
Thanks @Miki! That does explain RAM vs ROM in LAYMAN’S terms. I feel like the student who always has to sit in the corner with the pointed dumbell hat on 
Please don’t think that way Patachou. This hobby has countless twists and turns that are hard to navigate, with pitfalls everywhere. It takes a lifetime to learn everything about it, and even then I honestly don’t think any one person can effectively learn it all. From coders, to techs, to inventors it takes a whole lot of ppl to bring an idea to fruition. Personally I think you’ve come a long way since you joined Troypoint and I know you can do things now you only dreamed about a few years ago. Keep those questions coming, and keep on learning. I can’t speak for Ron but like me, I suspect he enjoys helping you and many others here out by sharing his skills and knowledge.
Have fun and STREAM ON!!
As mentioned, you never really want to burn up all your internal storage with downloaded media (movies, videos, photos, etc) as that space is best utilized for programs that are installed, relevant for your use.
For downloaded media, especially if you’re planning on using a shield - many people, myself included, prefer to use Plex. If you have a network attached PC in the household, you can have all your downloaded media stored on the PC, either within internal storage or a connected external HDD. Downloading media (like movies) are arguably easier on a PC.
You would download the Plex server software on the PC, set Plex to have a line of sight to the drive where all your media is downloaded to. Then on the Shield, you install the plex app, log in, and you will have access to stream any media file that Plex sees on the aforementioned PC.
With Plex set up properly, you can also access and stream any of your media files from your smartphone also, with the Plex app installed.
Keep in mind, using plex on mobile devices does require a sub fee - or a one-time lifetime fee.
Alternative, you can connect an external hdd to your shield pro and use the shield as a plex server. This would apply especially if you didn’t have a PC. There a few limitations vs the PC as a server but is also effective.
I’ve set Plex up both ways. I prefer running a Windows plex server, while using my shield and mobile devices as plex clients.
Here’s some good time killers below…(there are tons of videos talking about this - just do a search.

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yours came direct from amazon fyi\
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