Sure it does. You just need to click on the icon as the second step to confirm it. Mine works fine.

Send it to me, please

It will change to wide view but not permantely. trying not to have pick a view each time I open it. Also all the views under for my shows only show half of my Trakt TV shows. Normally I use ‘Collection’ under ‘My TV Shows’ but it’s only showing half the shows. Trakt Watchlist doesnt show any shows.

Other builds on another device are working fine.

I don’t believe it is active anymore.

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10-4. It was a great addon

I was referring to the Github page not being active. The AfFENnity addon may be still available in the repo. I dont know the url to add it.

To set to infowall first click on infowall, on next page, click up one, then click down to gear :gear: click the gear now click up one, then down one to where it says save and exit and click it. :+1:

Currently riding out a hurricane or else I’d look at my settings. Not at home. But I think you missed what I was saying. After you select the view type there is usually an example poster image that you have to click on to confirm your save settings. It’s a two step process. At least with the regular estuary skin, that’s how it works. Again, not on my device to confirm right now.

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