Can you get 4k quality in stremio .Also what is Orion

Yes Stremio can scrape for 4k sources. You can choose this in the torrentio setup. Also for Orion.

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will tvimate record from say Cin HD, using realdebrid or is it only going to function with an iptv service?
How can I record the films i watch on a FS using RD?

I can record a movie on my tablet from Stremio using ADM. (Advanced Download Manager) There’s a bit of a trick to it and that is, as soon as you start a movie you have to go to the bottom and long click on the icon 3rd from the left to choose “Open with” and then ADM to start the recording. Now that’s if you want to use CinemaHD. Recording live TV with TiVimate is another ball of wax and you don’t use RD for IPTV.

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thx @Miki
I’ve watched the tivimate videos, network setup and static ip etc. That all makes sense. Pretty straightforward. However, I’m looking to do as you suggest.
I had stremio on the FS but never on a tablet (would the same function apply on a laptop?), or is your ADM setup and record feature specifically related to your particular tablet?

can you do a screenshot?

i did see this…

Yup that’s it. Now on a device with plenty of space you can do recordings with TiVimate and there are a lot of posts on doing just that. If you don’t have enough internal storage then you can add storage to your device. I can’t advise you on using ADM with Win doze as I stopped using it when I quit XP Black and gave up my Torrent site. You could do the same on a FS with Stremio installed or any of your devices, and ADM

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Okay, I didn’t think that cld be done… next phase.
I’ll put Stremio back on FS and setup. I’ll then add ADM and see if I can get the system set up to record on FS. Seen a few hits and misses by others when trying on here, but when I get the time I think I might be able to crack that using a partitioned drive to record.
Thx once again - I def owe you!

My secret when I set up a firestick was to add a powered Smays hub. That way it had the 1GB ethernet,although no matter how fast your ethernet is the top throughput on a Micro USB is something like 346MBs, and ports to add a usb dongle for my mini keyboard and a slot for a 64GB SanDisk USB drive. I haven’t used Firesticks for a long time so I’m not sure it’s still possible to dual partition one for apps and recordings due to Amazon messing up the ADB access. Bit definately worth a try. GL2U