I kinda feel that the better question/vote is Kodi vs everything else, maybe? It’s just a wonderful thing that we have options. The more options the better.
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PS…here comes Kodi down the back stretch and the race is on 
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I use to love Kodi. The one huge thing I love about Stremio is the configuration is entirely kept in the cloud. So once I configure it, and add the addons I want, I only have to install Stremio on any device I want and then open it, and log in to my account, and my entire configuration, including watched episodes and movies are applied, without me having to go into settings, and do a complete setup. Not only that, but if someone else has it on their device you can log them out, log yourself in and your setup is applied. Then log yourself out and they log back in and their setup is back. Sweet.
And KODI Vaults into the lead. I guess those Burner accounts are working! 
It’s a dead heat at the moment. Catch your breath @MarkxG and get more of those burners workin.
Since we dont know when the poll closes we can only hope there arent any late mail in ballots. If you know what I mean. 
Kodi to me is already the clear winner!
#1 APK against all other APKs. Whether its Movies, TV, Sports or so so live tv. Kodi got you covered.
Pretty sure the people that are not voting for Stremio just haven’t used it yet
I started using Kodi when it was XBMC, that long ago. I finally quit when these others came out and Kodi loved to fill up all the memory, well almost on my Fire stick. I never had a version of it going back to XBMC that was not a problem and took as long to find a viable source as it did to watch it. 
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Kodi with Xenon. Gets me all I want and more, sports, tv shows, movies, etc. I pair it with You Tube TV, DONE!!!
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I cannot really specify a preference.
There are some examples where Weyd (and Stremio) doesn’t resolve a working link where Kodi with a great add-on does.
And the Umbrella add-on’s Coco scraper is currently quicker than Weyd in scraping for me on all my devices. Weyd’s UI is less hassle, however.
For old titles, using qbit to download to my computer and using Plex is often the best choice.
Can you give me an example of a working link that Stremio doesn’t resolve? I’d like to test it out as I’ve never had any such experience using Stremio in all the years I’ve had it, and if it’s an issue, then I’d like to send a bug report to the dev and see what sort of reply I get. Tx.
@Miki you might also want to tell the Dev he is losing to KODI in the Poll 
stop using those burner accounts

I noticed. So many uninformed ppl. 
Not Kodi, it takes too long for it to boot up. It’s pretty to look at, but I’m not interested in how the “Build” looks. I have it on another Stick, but rarely ever use it. I found APKs to be the easiest & best at content, speed of access & with Real-Debrid there is seldom any buffering. I really don’t know how to work Torrents only because Cinema works so good, so I stopped there. I’m not a “Techie”, but know enough around a Firestick to get what I want.
Well I’ll respectfully disagree. I think finding/having the right Build on your Kodi makes a big difference.
Some people put a lot of time and effort into making a build that is both easy to navigate and full of entertainment. All you need is a little research and you can test out any build you like.
The Build I use has multiple Movie/Tv addons, multiple sports addons, multiple Live TV addons, Music addons, as well as other stuff. Setting up RD/AD and Trakt is easy too.
All the addons are all set up or just a click away from downloading.
It would take me a long time and effort to do a fraction of what someone else set up already . And its only a few key strokes away.
But thats just me. To each their own.
Kodi is a great feature rich app. It takes a ton of dedication to learn, but once you spend the time and effort, I have known those who have used their setup for over 5 years. It isn’t for everyone, me for example, but it can be tamed adequately for those willing.
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The problem with a build how much space it occupies compared to an add-on. Kodi is already large.
Live TV is hit and miss on for any free IPTV unverified IPTV service. For VOD, dealing with a good single add-on will require less time for Kodi to boot up and scrape with h less keystrokes than any build.
Live TV aside, all the entertainment that that’s available on a build is available on a good single add-on with less space issues.