From your description I rather suspect the server is getting to many connections and can’t handle the load on live TV. VOD may indeed have less ppl accessing it and their VOD server has fewer connections. I’m just guessing at this point.
Isn’t VOD a whole different animal than live? I would think VOD is more or less handled like a movie. The stream isn’t live therefore it must be downloaded and stored. I am guessing the VOD feed is kinda like an individual downloading something to their own server and then playing from their own internal/external storage. Do these IPTV servers just download a program and store it on their servers and then deliver that stored program to is customers?
A live programming is being fed straight from the live feed source to the sub almost instantaneously.
what is HD homerun a hi powered antenna.
VOD is much the same as any library. A server, somewhere, has a library of vids. You click a link from your Sub and will be directed to that server and the vid. So as very few might be wanting to watch an old B & W vid the server will have a light load and optimum connection. Now live is pretty much the same but you are being connected to a channel stream and their server. Could be a different server for each channel. But if, for example, you are watching a “big” sports event, the channel, and thus their server, may have over %80 capacity and so connections become a poorer quality, and buffer, trying to accomadate the excess traffic. I suspect a lot of no name IPTV Subs may use the same channel sources.
personally I would change to a 1gb ethernet device for streaming issues esp…buffering.
Definitely they do! I have noticed many iptv services channel list and many are almost identical. Therefore, I would assume their coding is to?
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Do a Google search for more info. You can also purchase one on Amazon. Many people will use this device in conjunction with Plex.
I’m not sure, but I believe TP did a video about the HD Homerun?
My HDHomeRun - SiliconDust
I have 2 homeruns and love them, easy to use just hook up an antenna and done. It provides the channels to every device on your network.
This guy on Youtube is pretty informative, if not a bit geeky! Might be a cousin of TP, not sure? lol 
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I can stream a 50GB/25Mb 4K movie for hours without a hiccup. The latest speed test, 218Mbps down and 276Mbps up with VPN on, 401Mbps down and 396Mbps up with VPN off. I don’t think it’s a bandwidth problem. Since it’s only live TV and is worse with NCAAF on the weekends, I think the sources cannot handle the number of users.
Hi Miki. I think you have described the problem exactly. Since bandwidth at my end is not the problem (huge 4K movies no problem), I think it must be that the source is overloaded. I experience the problem on 3 different IPTV services, so they must use the same source.
It’s a TV tuner with a DVR. I’ve only read about it but the quality of terrestrial digital TV is pretty good if you can find the content you want.
Look at the xtream codes of your 3 iptv services…if the .(dot) xyz:#### is the same on all the codes, then they should be coming from the same servers. I’ve got 3-4 codes for my service…a main & 3 backups…all end the same but are slightly different in the middle of the address.
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You may need a new and better provider.
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Hi Powerfader. That’s a good point. I tried viewing a movie from one of my live IPTV services and it played fine. It seems to be only a rebroadcast from a live source. I would blame the IPTV service except that when the problem occurs, it happens on multiple IPTV services exactly the same way. I use TiviMate which supports multiple IPTV services that I can quickly switch between.
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If you go into Settings/Playlists/click on one of your 3 playlists…go down to xtream codes parameters…click on that & then server address. Back out of that playlist & go to another one & do the same thing…if the .xyz:####s match then you’ve probably acquired the same service from 3 different resellers with 3 different names. Live will always have more buffering problems than vod, as has been stated in replies above. Check your playlists & let us know if they are the same .xyz ending & : port number.
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I’ll stick with my change device suggestion. It solved my issue a long time ago.
They are all very different.
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Roger that…then if all 3 “different” iptv services buffer on the same channels…me thinks your problem is elsewhere. 
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Nah it’s still the same problem. Live TV especially major events, will always have more users on their server than someone trying to watch " the day the earth stood still". VOD.