Heres another tip Dena…
60 minutes of recorded iptv (1280p) = 3g of space depending on resolution/frm rate of the channl… So it eats up space quik & has a 4g at 1 time fcat limit…
(Kodi is probly yor biggest space hog app even if its on usb)
Good to know! I have also decided to nix Kodi. It is a space hog. But more to the point, it took time to set it up with Jayhawks suggestions–which were great. But if I have to keep factory re-setting, I am going for the easy apps!
Agree …
The day i switched to protocol tv, & ditched Kodi, my devices were happy.
Can always dwnld it when u need it
Now after factory reset, Amazon won’t allow me to download downloader or RAI? What?
What r u lookin at for space b4 u reinstall?
I only ever need 3 hours of a show at any given time. I don’t believe I can record on the 4K & have my apps on it–hence my 64 GB SanDisk. If this new reset doesn’t work, I am going to take the Fire Cube from the living room and see if that works better and replace my 4K to a 4K max.