Where did the epg url come from? I did not see any in his post. Btw, this is the same playlist I posted on my topic, but the epg supplied with it was basically worthless. Did you install this url: https://iptv-org.github.io/iptv/countries/us.m3u

The link he has for the US url is hosted on a github group. Here is the link to that github site: iptv-org/iptv: Collection of publicly available IPTV channels from all over the world (github.com)

Edit: I see on the github page they updated their epg’s and added two more USA sources. Later on tonight I will install those and see if more epg’s populate. I don’t have the "DirectTV epg that offers another 376 channel’s guide, and the ontvtonight epg, but that only generates about 6 channel’s guides. The other 2 epg’s I already have installed.

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