“Nature abhors a vaccuum” - attributed to Aristotle. It shall be filled. All challenges are opportunities. In the meantime, while streaming is in flux, I recommend reading Spencer Johnson’s “Who Moved My Cheese?” and its sequel. Our ‘cheese’ just got moved. Always have another backup source for your ‘cheese’ whatever form it takes.


Whhhooaaa…Thats HEAVY dude (or “dudette” if the case may be)
Does IPTV now stand for: “Is Philosophy That Vexing”? And besides…Who’s Watching the Watcher’s?


I already requested a refund from those damn cheese people :laughing:


Question for Troy or anyone: If you use an alias email like startmail with an iptv or other merchant, and there is a problem so you delete the startmail folder with the alias account emails; Doesn’t start mail have all your emails with the merchant on THEIR SERVERS? They are never really deleted. Am I wrong??

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@Miki when I signed up for the 3 yr deal with PM I used my real email address, is there any point in changing it to a burner email now? Stupid mistake but I guess if someone wanted to track me down they do have my credit card as well. As usual, thanks Miki.

I honestly think it’s just a matter of using the service and enjoying it. Keep your VPN on and even use an encrypted DNS server like the TDUK DNS Switcher for added anonymity.


I only use my RD when using Kodi to watch movies. On Stremio only use it to watch TV shows. I think it’s a bigger issue when streaming unauthorized content such as movies. Maybe I’m wrong but TV shows are not as monitored as closely. So far RD works well for me on Kodi and there is no reason to look , at this time, for another service. I am lucky enough that my ISP service is through a family owned telephone service in a rural area. I personally don’t think they care about what I watch. I just renewed my RD for another 6 months and if something goes wrong with them I’m out $17! Big deal. I think the ones who complain and demand a refund because they think something devious is going on, are the ones who haven’t had it very long. I’m into my 6th year and have always had good service. I’m a wait and see guy and not a chicken little, the sky’s falling, person. We’ll see


@Miki, Thank you Sir!

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Read and comprehend, people are only asking for refunds IF they are not getting the same service they have been paying for ALL along. Don’t really see how that is so ridiculous to some people.

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Debrid services can also be utilized when one wishes to watch TV series from the not too distant past. Example: I watched every episode of Silo each week as it was released. The wife did not get to see it. We recently used Umberlla (with Premiumize, my favorite Debrid Service) to go back and catch all the previously aired episodes from season 01. S01E01 all the way through Episode10. Now she is caught up and we are now in Season 02 (currently airing) and watch each week. I prefer to wait till a few days after it airs and use umbrella so its NO Commercials! Hip-Hip…Hoooray!!

This isn’t about personal rights. IPTV in the typical sense is grey tv. I have no sympathy for the ppl that were blocked for requesting a refund. How bout not subscribing more than your willing to loose? Or go back to cable where you have terms of service that could actually be considered “rights” if you wanna call it that. Blows my mind the way some think. Just paid $30 for a crap pizza. Now for that I expect a refund but won’t get one.


@markn62. Sucks for you, I have gotten a REFUND or replacement for a shyt pizza more than once. Consider it, WHERE would it stop, today you got a shyt pizza and were banned for expecting the same service you were getting all along from a seller. WHAT’S next, maybe your heart surgeon was drunk and screwed up your operation, now your dead…oh well, guess there were no guarantees there either. It’s people like you that I don’t get and that’s fine, to each their own. one thing I know is that the replacement pizza was perfect and I got what I payed for. Most honest citizens work hard for their money, I don’t throw mine away on things that are not as promised. Guess there’s a lot that just bend like Gumby. I myself have never been that flexible :ok_hand:


Ok everyone, lets take it down a notch please. We all have different views and ideas. Sometimes we don’t agree. But lets keep it civil. Thanks for your understanding.


Well it’s just physics, “For every action” Lob one at me and I lob one back, an opinion turd that is, not a grenade. :laughing:

I know and I understand, but we need to keep it civil and if getting heated, take a break please. That’s all I ask. Thanks.

I get it, some just like to argue their views, I’d rather not but somebody ragging on me by choosing to respond right to me instead of just a general reply, is an attack and a BIT much so it could not be ignored.

Noone knows this better than I do, but the rules are the rules and sometimes ya just have to take the high road and let it pass. If it goes to far then it hijacks the thread and may get flagged if it becomes insulting, and it’s kinda unfair of anyone to expect me to police their manners and discussions. So lets just let it slide and get back to helping others. Thanks.
Merry Christmas :snowman::gift: to everyone.


Wow Paranoia is alive and well…If you are scared please crawl under your bed…The Boogeyman is going to get ya!

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well…to be fair there are no guarantees from a heart surgeon,you either make it or you don’t. I suppose the family could sue for medical malpractice,but as for you no refund lol

