I was trying to see how well if at all that RD worked with Umbrella, which is why I installed it. I also was trying to avoid buying PM for as long as I could. However, I’m sure I’ll purchase it before the BF sale is over.

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My appologies an hour later i checked again and mine had lots of links but no streams

Mine went shortly after i posted so i am in the same boat will have to do the premize one also

My Rd has been working, Rd Plus whatever that is has been working on stremio. However this one show that I’ve been watching I lost it. I lost the Rd Plus and now it says remove due to infringement of copyright. I’m using SS VPN out of Los Angeles. I haven’t lost any other view material yet.

Interesting. Premiumize seems to be more than double $ of RD. Id hate to get a 2yr package and have same thing happen in a month.


I wonder of having Google connected to all these electronics is causing the issue.

Premiumize has been around for 13 yrs. They are in Malaysia. I bought the 3 yr deal for Black Friday. Works out to about $3.88/mth. I figured why not, I’ll support the dev.


I removed everything that could go on the Firestick, did a complete reset… so far so good :crossed_fingers:

Thank you for being an absolute legend! Loving your work man :handshake:


Regarding your post, is RD working correctly on Umbrella for you now? I also use Umbrella and RD is working great for me as of 11/24 4pm CST.

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Just checked and Umbrella is at °°°.27 now. Both Umbrella & Fen Light working with Real Debrid after update

See Troys post at beginning of this thread. He posted a video on Rumble that shows how.

This is the most overlooked point, that many refuse to see.

Support these Devs. They’re the ones out there dodging the crosshairs. Do they profit, sure. Should they profit? Yes!

When these Devs profit, we users profit. Sometimes, we need to look beyond the 6 inches in front of our faces.


I believe there is a patch (work around) for both Seren and Umbrella.
I know I got an email from Troy about the umbrella and saw the one for Seren somewhere.

Mine is working with Fen Lite and Coco - How to Install FEN Light Kodi Addon (Latest Update)

Thanks, but these directions do not work with Xenon plus build. I just changed to a different build and no problems.

Thats always a possibility. Premiumize costs way too much.

Under $4/mth really isn’t to much IMHO.


Things seem to be popping with a few others…Umbrella works…Fen Lite works…Last night I tried POV and that works…Crew still seems a bit temperamental (but you might have more luck than me)…I see things coming back…? Somehow…?
Right now I believe we can say safely that Umbrella is the present go-to…

I’m getting no streams available now on umbrella,was working fine last night