Just checked initial install with playlist/EPG and the epg has the .gz in it. So if it works without it great and if issues arrise try adding the.gz in epg sources.
No, I did not take the .gz out intiallly and it installed fine. I just tried installing without the .gz and got a Failed to update message. So the .gz IS necessary.
Sorry PF but the entry you gave is very confusing to me. I don’t understand. Is it supposed to be https://github.com/bitsbb01/msu8_creator/epg_ripper_ALL_SOURCES1.xml.gz
Then that’s it? not sure what the at main and then the floating dot ( no idea how to even get that on my keyboard)bitsbb01/m3i8_creator another floating dot and then GitHub is for???
Yeah, I had that one earlier, too. I was asked by F2V to go to his site and chat. When I was there I noticed he had updated the epg within the last 2 hours. So I grabbed that code.
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Just copy the code and paste it. That’s the best way!
Can also enter the full url, & disable the playlist but use the epg
You can also delete the m3u, but I am not certain in this case because the epg is embedded in the m3u code.
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Ya that’s what I did. Your post had a bunch of other stuff on the end after the.gz that confused me. All good. I’ve already started eliminating the foreign language stuff and a pile of groups. We’ll see what’s left. Tx again.
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That’s why I said to copy and paste it. Then the code will appear as normal when you insert it in the url space on Tivimate.
Btw, I deleted the playlist, but am going to keep the epg. There is just too much stuff in the playlist. I would be reorganizing it to my grave! lol Having 25K channels is more than sufficient…even for me! 
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ya my TiViMate is on the firestick and I’m reading your stuff on the chromebook or phone so no copy paste option there. I just manually enter it all the time. But I’m with you. I’m deleting this but keeping the epg as well. So much of this is just a repeat. Have a great weekend.
I know there are a lot of people who are absolutely crazy about IPTV, but so far I haven’t found it very compelling. So I have the chance to watch 5000 channels. Of those what is of importance to me? I only want local, so how do I filter out all the carbage. I’m just trying to see how it would work for me. I did download Tvimate and added some of the sources, but went through all the channels and found none that I would look at twice. Is there something I’m missing or am I looking at it all wrong
How I do a copy and paste a lot is I just copy the code and send it to myself in an email. Then using my Shield TV Remote app on my phone, I just copy the code from the email and then paste it on my my phone’s remote app and paste it into the url space on Tivimate.
btw, here is another epg that is from the same guy, but I think he coded this one better.
Only you can know what you enjoy watching. IPTV channels number in the tens of thousands so if you watch things like your local news channel and it’s in your playlist you make it a favourite. You Can get and load paid IPTV but I use a free list. Takes a while to “personlize” your list. It’s like the live tv in Mad Titan, it may have dozens of channels but you might watch just 10. So you make those your favourite, but unlike Kodi in TiViMate you can get an EPG. Like Kodi, it takes time to learn how to use it effectively and to weed out what you don’t want.
Then I think you would be better off with commercial apps sych as Pluto, Prime, Plex, tubi, etc… Personally I like the USTVGO 247 app with its 94 channels and an indoor antenna for another 40 local channels.
If you get a HD Home Run you can stream all you ota channels through Plex and then have a few apk’s for VOD binging TV Shows and Movies.
You can make all that happen with 3-4 apps!
In your defense, I, as most people, probably tune into about 30-40 channels at best. The pay for “unverified” iptv services are great if you are a sports enthusiast and watch multiple screens and ppv a lot. Although, I have a paid service, but to be honest I don’t use it as much as some of the other free playlist I have.
PLEX (VOD & Live TV)
USTVGO 247 (Live TV)
Pluto or Xumo (VOD and Live TV)
Syncler or Cinema HD (VOD)
Prime (VOD)
…and maybe one or two more free apps are more than most will need or use.
Couple the above along with an indoor antenna, or a HD Homerun and you will have more content the best package deal you could buy from Concrap for $200+ bucks a month, and the above are all free!
Im not sure if any of you are still having probs with USTVGO. I just remember back awhile ago peeps having issues. I decided to try Miki’s method(although I dont have Silk browser) and installed TVbro and ustvgo is blasting away over there 
Yeah, the m3u is pretty much kaput. Apparently, there is a working addon for Kodi, but I don’t use Kodie.
I still have a working USTVGO 247 app installed and working great on my Shield Pro, Tube, Tablet, and Samsung phone. The apk works fantastic on the tablet and phone. The only hitch on the Shields is you have to use a mouse to navigate the channels better.
I have heard of the TVBro and am going to research it now since your post got me thinking.
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Troy has TVbro in the RAI. 1st time ive tried it today…only because puffin seems to be puffed out 
Just tried it, but I need a mouse to navigate around on it and since the Android 11 update my Mouse Toggle is not working.
Update: since 3rd hotfix release the Mouse Toggle now functions as normal.