I have had problems with Seren working one day then not the next. Great news JayHawks that you are investigating and hopefully sorting withThe Crew. I have just disabled it for now in your build.
If my old man memory serves me well, i think on one of the funsters builds there was a Force Stop submenu button on the settings tab? But not a problem for me at all…skeleton is still my fave build in a very long time!!


I didn’t miss it on second look after going back to the home screen.

First attempt, I clicked on “settings”.
The vertical list that shows does not include a tab to resolve url. It would be nice to be able to access it from that menu also.

I’m trying to look at this from a beginner’s POV.

Thank you.
I will do so!

When you click on settings it shows the same exact list that the stock Estuary skin would show. I’m not sure you can edit it, but since the shortcut is in the submenu and one less click, I’m not interested in adding this.

Really appreciate that! Thanks for the feedback.

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I do exactly the same . Several times a day I force close apps that I’m not using in android settings. I do what I can to free up memory and prevent the chipset from overheating. . Everything is running smooth and snappy on the new Skeleton Crew 1.1 build :raised_hands:

Yes everything running good here, Seren fix in @Jayhawks659 original post. So don’t disable it. Love how streamlined it is! I think it’s just the right mix of tech and user friendliness. so great work @Jayhawks659 !


I agree. Without all of the bloatware it’s a snappy interface :sunglasses:


Runs great on my 6 year old stick so that says it all. Have to try it on the Max

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Thanks Throttle,
I didn’t see his original post. I will try the fix after I’m done with my episode.

I’m getting to be a fan of this build…and I anticipated that I was done with builds.
One thing that I really appreciate is that the home screen is not complicated, cluttered or polluted with a bunch of distracting clashing colors.

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Not sure but I think Seren is having issues so don’t think it’s isolated to this build. Had to switch repo’s on another stick after error. So hopefully it works. Best build by far

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Yeah, I have too, come to think of it. Everytime that I was opening Kodi, a Seren error-check-log messaged popped up. So I don’t think I’ll bother trying to get Seren to work at this point.

Nightwing & The Crew are working great within this build & they’re presently my goto addons on my FS.

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I think he was referring to my mention of the TV guide section. Love how all the options are on one screen :raised_hands:

Yes I 've never used them but so many options. usually just use The Crew, or Seren but if this continues to work good who knows .

First time I’ve tried a “build”
I expected this to just replace or stand alongside The Crew within Kodi.
When I open Kodi, it’s just directly opens this build, so have I effectively
a new version of Kodi, not just a new version of The Crew within Kodi.
Apologies if I’m being stupid here but I didn’t anticipate loosing all my current
[original] :roll_eyes:Kodi addons

That’s what a build is. And the widgets on the home page are configured with the crew. Idk what other addons you lost, but you can reinstall them if you want.

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Quite impressive! Just navigating my way around it :+1: My only frustration thus far is I wish Mad Titan Sports guide would populate the UK Sports channels. Other than that, I’m all good!
Love trying these sort of things for the first time. It’s definitely a learning curve :crazy_face:

You switched channel groups in the tabs at the top of the guide and the EPG info for those channels doesn’t work?

I do! the Jet Mad sports group for UK sports channels is completely blank.
There’s no guide info, just the channel number and name.

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Please excuse my ignorance, but two questions:

  1. When Movies or TV Shows are selected, Seren, Homelander & Nightwing appear on the ribbon menu below, but The Crew doesn’t. Why not?
  2. I went ahead and installed another addon. I do not see a way of adding it to that bottom menu & the addon doesn’t appear anywhere to that ribbon menu.
    How do you add an addon to the home menu?