Thank you for the link.
For most of us who like it explained to us, I found following channel useful -
DNS on Formuler
This video may explain what TDUK DNS Switcher app does without the need for the user to mess around with settings manually.
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Thats very good info. MikeN, Thanks.
I still haven’t opened my streamer yet but can you see if the developer options contain “Network debugging” ?
That is what I use on my shield and that works with all of my apps
Ok, so I select dns server, that worked but start using encrypted dns server is greyed out and not clickable.
Did you enable “USB Debugging” in your developer options ?
You need to do that first and then select the “Connect to this device via ADB” option inside my app.
Once connected, you can then use all the options available.
Working flawlessly on my Shield Pro. No conflicts with any of my apps and no interference with my VPN. No interference with my connection speed. ISP rated at 150mbps down and I am getting 155 down and 68 up. No ads on analiti or rumble. I will post any issues I find. Tx Doc ( TDUK)
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I just want to mention, in the video it shows the Analiti VPN check, Analiti reports the configured DNS server, so in my case that’s my routers IP.
It doesn’t show you the server that the OS is configured for via ADB by TDUK DNS switcher. To see what DNS server actually being used use www.dnscheck.tools.
I mention this only because the thread was about the switcher which the video wasn’t using so it might be misleading if you use the switcher and Analiti.
Anytime you want to check if the switcher is working (with a ad blocking DNS), try using Downloader, it’s like a real browser when you’re not buried in ads, Just saying it pretty obvious when you check by using Downloader.
Great observation! It makes using the Downloader app much, much better. I totally gave up on the overly ad inundated Downloader app long ago. Now I may start using it again…? lol
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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Background Apps and Process List
The best £1.99 I think I have ever spent!
I use Bee TV and OnStream for watching series and films. Bee seems to be the better choice but the adverts drive you mad so I tend to use OnStream even though it buffers significantly more.
I bought and installed the app yesterday and have it running through Proton VPN. To test it, I watched Bee TV all night and although it buffered once, briefly, there were no adverts and it was a truly enjoyable experience.
Fabulous App, well done.
Thanks a lot for the 1 star review and let me apologize that my app didn’t change your IP / ISP 
I think that user thought it was a VPN for $1.99 for unlimited devices for life 
Maybe a confused non techie - actually thinks VPN changes ISP, not sure any VPN does that
Since I’m always trying to avoid capture one app I like is Police Scanner and I noticed ads are being blocked on that one as well, so you could add that to your list. 

I don’t no much about DNS . Can you guys tell me what you think are the better picks of the 7 DNS choices .
It depends on what you are after. I went with one that blocks trackers, ads and malware.
If you have one of those fancy infotainment units in your car. AA will allow this app.
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Nice, always pays to know what’s happening in the neighborhood.
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