Are you using version 0.11?

It’s working on kodi for me.

I use the URL, just checked and it back working. :grinning::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:

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I didnt know the url went down. Mine has been working fine.

The addon definitely was down and is back up. At least for some.

Just the espn channels have not worked because they want nord vpn.

I don’t use it often, but I got that error message when I created my post.

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says 420.9 The TV app
I’ve uninstalled twice now and still only get 420.9 version NOT .11 ;-(

Like i said it is working on my laptop using the URL

Seems to work well now. It is a cool Kodi add-on, but I don’t know how y’all can stand not seeing a program guide for the live channels lol.

You probably need an update. I believe thats the old version.

I barely watch live tv that isn’t sports or “news” so it doesn’t really matter to me… lol

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tried to update, doesn’t update to .11
even uninstalled an reinstalled

FYI> i/m in Thailand and no vpn
guess i will just stick with daddylive

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Are you using Kodi Nexus or Omega? (20 or 21) I can give you a link to version .11 if you know how to install by zip.

its the latest kodi, updated 03-02-24 version 20.5.0
please send the link :slight_smile:

21 is the latest version of Kodi, like Miki posted, but this addon will also work with 20. Here’s the link for the zip file:
The zip file you will be downloading is called


HI; Thanks
OK: i know how to download and install a zip file for my laptop, BUT how do I do that with my android box>?
The TV App & Kodi Addon for Firestick/Android TV Using as an example:
how do i get the zip file so can access it ? ( add file source)
Than under addons i try and install form the zip i added
gives me https:// nebulous42069/Omega/raw…
than …“install from Zip file”??
just restarts my kodi??

Use Downloader to download the zip file. Click done once it downloads. Don’t click install, don’t click delete. Then open Kodi and go to add-ons, then install from zip. Choose external storage as the location then browse to your Downloader folder. There you should see the zip file you just downloaded. Select it and install.

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Just try another channel…That’s all I had to do.

Ur great<
you CAN teach an old dog new tricks!!!

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I tried following the guide from here:

But I didn’t see the thetvapp from the list on the video addons

I dont believe the Diggz repo offers Thetvapp as an addon anymore. It wasn’t reliable in my opinion. There may be other repos that do provide it though.

It is offered in the Diggz TV Browser addon along with other web browser based TV viewing. You can find this in The Diggz repo.