I have all those playlists and coordinating epgs on my page. Collect as many epgs as you want. They don’t take up that much space and they can be useful. I find myself skipping over channels that don’t tell me what’s on, and I am too lazy to look out up on the net. Lol I want my cake and icing all on one plate!


13 epgs and counting. Gotta love this hobby.
A week later and I now have 21 EPGs. Yowsa.


Concrap ain’t got nuttin’ on us! Lol


Can you post the USTVGO m3u that was the longer one with UK and Canada channels, I don’t see it in the thread.
And how do I get to your “page” for the playlists and epgs?


oh my…only 13 :joy: :thinking: :sunglasses: :+1:


Wow 416 Channels now. This with all the others I now have thousands of channels and most with epg.
As always amigo mucho gracias.
16 EPGs now. Maybe time to make a faves list for chans. Lol.

btw for pluto epg I have 1 epg link



Sorry, that m3u got changed when the adjustment on the ISTVGO m3u & epg got changed. That m3u now has USTVGO, Us Channels, Pluto, and AdultSwim folders. The Canada and UK stuff was taken out.

You can find a lot of Canada and Uk playlist on this page. Just scroll up to the start and then start reading the posts. Here is one you can try. https://bit.ly/PPM3U-E

I haven’t used or updated that m3u in months., and there is no assigned epg. So I don’t know how good it is anymore and you will need to farm out for any epg guides. It has 2,701 US channels, 15 Canada channels, and 877 UK channels. If you install that m3u. I would suggest populating your favorites folder and then get rid of all the prefixes (HLS Cat: US:, HLS Cat: UK:, UK: and any suffixes in the channel names. Then assign several epg’s to that playlist and see how many generate a guide. It’s best to just have the channel name without all the added stuff. An epg will ONLY auto generate if the names MATCH! If not then you will have to search and assign each one individually. That is why I say make a favorites folder of your 50-75 channels that you want and search them out. Good luck!

Update: Most of the UK channels are no longer active. After reviewing this m3u playlist, I think I am going to delete it from my device. Most of the channels don’t show a guide, and I have almost all of these channels in other m3u’s that do have an epg assigned.


Tx PF. That’s what I’m playing with now. I have enough xml lists, 16, and tx to you I have the adding epg to individual channels down. When I get further along I think I’ll make a prefix and suffix list that I can copy/paste once I’m done( lol ya done, as if) and then I better do a backup as now I’m way into it and don’t want to lose countless hours of work.
Did you have a look at Free2View? It has Pluto, Stirr, Samsung, Local now, ustvgo, and about 8 more all in one m3u and with epgs.


Do you have that m3u handy? I looked for it, but didn’t find it.


Yup give me a sec.

This is the link to the page for the urls.


EXCELLENT! Installed the m3u on the Tivimate and even installed 11 more epg’s! Already had a few of them but got the rest I didn’t have.

This is a great m3u! All the channel load fast and play well, and almost all the channels loaded the epg properly!

Thanks for sharing!


The ustvgo m3u is getting 403 error again, started as I was watching football, about 3:35pm Sunday.
Maybe they’re tweaking it again.
EPG still there and OK.
I will wait awhile and tomorrow or tonight will reload ustvgo m3u and sparkle epg.


Agree, seems someone is messing with USTVGO m3u.
Hopefully it will stabilize.
Thanks for your efforts.
I now know a lot more about Tivimate, a fun exercise.


PF nobody can fault your dedication and determination. I, personally, can’t thank you enough for this.


Here we go again.
Thanks, yet again, if not for your efforts it would have died on the vine… or never started.
I will give it a few days and if it is still working,
I will try the Whole Home DVR from Troy just for fun.


That’s the OCD in me. I can’t let a problem go until I find a solution. Although, this USTVGO thing is getting old. Especially since I have a great working apk already installed on all my devices. Anyway, I’ll give this ONE more try? lol

Not only that, but in my haste this morning to fix this issue. I accidentally deleted my Tivimate app and had to reload everything. Fortunately, I did a backup and was good to go in a few minutes! lol :woozy_face:


That reminds me, with your new addition I better do a backup as well.


Thanks for the update. Do you also have the epg for ustv


If you mean USTVGO the epg is:

Also fyi, I have 19 epgs and enable every one of them on every playlist, making sure to add the primary epg as default. Afterall you never know what epg may have info for a channel that doesn’t show any info. This is in my “premium” TiViMate.


I did. Thanks for the epg link. That’s a good idea I’ve never thought of that. I also have tivimate premium. I will try that. Thanks.