I did set the star to do source selection last night. I’ll double check settings again. Thanks

No problem. Will the onn switch screens when you ask it a question or just give a verbal reply?

It works perfectly once the tv is on, just does not power on or off. Must be an old tv

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Saw your message in the other thread.

I dont think you can change the Source by voice but if you are in a different source other than Onn the tv will switch to Onn. Or at least mine does.

But i dont think you can tell it to change to a different source. I tried to switch to cable and PS4 and neither worked.

Ok, i van live with that. The tv comes on!

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I am having trouble with the color of real debrid links in cinemahd with ONN 4K Pro. All the debrid links are the same color as the standard links (white). Is anyone else having this same issue? If so how do you change the color of the debrid links?

Does anyone know how to get a keyboard on ONN 4k pro to search for apps? I only get a hey google option even after high lighting the search bar.

Get a powered USB 3.0 hub, plug it in, then get a mini keyboard with a dongle and plug the dongle into one of the USB ports on the hub. Then you can use the KB with a track pad to manuever around any site, add txt where needed, and work you way around settings and choose the ones you want with ease.


Our local Walmart has them here in So. Louisiana

For those of you wondering why there are different remotes than the one advertised, here is an article that might explain it. Might want to hold off purchasing the Pro until Walmart fixes the confusion…

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Yeah the remote just kind of important to me, I damn near threw away my shield Pro because of that triangle POS!


Bought one yesterday. No backlight on the remote. This thing is great but the Shield with its AI upscaling still reigns for those willing to pony up the additional $. I set up a lot of devices for coworkers, friends, and family. Going forward I’m emphatically recommending the onn Pro over fire sticks. The 4K Max is currently on sale for $40. Just $10 more buys an Ethernet port, USB port, 2X storage, etc. No brainer!


This is my 4K Max right here!!

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Has anyone had any issues with their on 4K Pro just randomly resetting. I’m curious if anyone else is seeing this it’s happened to me a few times. I’ll be watching something in Syncler through a real debrid 4K stream They will just pause start making an echoing noise then reset after a few seconds.

I haven’t had that problem but I don’t use Syncler either. Is it only when using that? Power supply ok?

I’ve only noticed it with Syncler, doesn’t happen with YouTube. Those are the only two apps that I use on a regular basis. Are you streamio every blue moon but not enough to see if this is happening in there also.

Yeah i use it mostly for kodi and an occasional smarttube. Hasn’t happened to me yet.

Sounds like a possible Syncler issue. Is it updated? Not familiar with it at all so i will defer to someone more knowledgeable.

Never had this happen to me with either my ONN 4K or now ONN Pro. I use KODI (Homelander and The Crew) and my IPTV service on a proprietary App


Followed Troy’s initial setup with no problems. Came back later to open and use, only to have a blank screen. I’ve reset, changed HDMI ports, pulled the plugs, to no avail. I can pair the remote, it shows onn. logo, then google tv logo. When the logo disappears, blank screen. Any suggestions?

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Thanks really appreciate.

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