The SKU doesn’t work. The receipt is a Walmart in Canton, Michigan

I don’t believe it’s a gig , it was slightly under 98 In @SuperDell-TV yt live video yesterday. So I’d say 10/100. It is crazy how he’s like the ONLY one with it on the whole yt lol.

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This is strange! So the product is not even listed or available for sale on Walmart’s website yet this guy walks into some random Walmart in Michigan and is able to buy one?

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Bingo! No clue how or why

I didn’t realize he has 2 of them too.

Verified 10/100 Ethernet.

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If you have 25000 followers on social media Buzz and a few will give you one to pimp

Stupid to put a 10/100 Ethernet on anything nowadays! Like building a car with a V8 with only 4 cylinders firing!

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Agreed. Even though it’s just $50 USD I will now take a hard pass. Yes 100GBs down is plenty to stream, that makes me wonder what else did they cheap out on?

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Ehhh! Who cares about Ethernet. 6 Years ago I had one of those stupid Dongles hard wired from my Firestick to my Ethernet Port. BUT it’s 2024 I haven’t used Ethernet in Years. Wifi has come a long way. I get close to 400MB on Wifi


Agree it would be better to have the gig port, but the fact that a $50 box has wifi 6 is definitely a cool feature. These are going to sell like freaking hotcakes when they come out.

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The salvage store here has dropped the price on the current version onn to 5 bucks.


Unfortunately we don’t have 6 yet and ethernet is more stable here in a high rise. But I agree WiFi is improving, just for some of us it’s at a snails pace. I agree these will go like hotcakes. Amazon is sure taking notice I bet. :laughing:

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I thought I would stop by my local Wal-Mart in Wisconsin to ask a few questions about this box and was told that they do know of this device and they have items that need to get out on the shelves. However he also told me that may 16th thru the 20th is when there next release of new items would be? He did tell me to check now and then before that date as they really never know when they will or could start selling. We will see?


The specs & features rival some of the MeCool boxes, at a lower cost.


Awesome job for finding this great news!
Going to WalMart at Dawn! ($49.88 USD)
You just got added to my Christmas Card List.

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