No Shā€¦ talk bout govt. Priorities. Sad statement of where our govt. Is @ right now.

Loved it, sure does. @Miki , @TXRon , thanx for keepin it real n on trakt. :crazy_face:

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Ok I deleted, LOL. :rofl::rofl::sunglasses:

I think they should be fined and have to pay to those offended all the money they acquired illegally and not put them in prison at all. We then ALL have to pay to feed, house and clothe them for that many years. I have a friend who molested his stepchild in Texas and only got 8 years!!! This idea of money over real lives is just crazy. I do understand that they donā€™t still have all the money but perhaps take all they do have??

:+1:, you bet

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Also I prefer cord-cutting to politics. I get the politics on a different site and hope to keep it that way!
Letā€™s try and maintain it that way - Thank You :tv:

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thats the whole idea trade ideas and help totaly agree if we dont we will lose a good site :disappointed_relieved:

Whatā€™s the IPTV service being prosecuted???

You must not have read the article. Itā€™s all there.

Youā€™re right. I see I just read the post and overlooked the linkā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

You know the truth is the truth. No matter whose name you put on it, it has nothing to do with politics.

A lot of politicians need to get 48 years or more. Can you imagine they can set up a privately owned liquor store in a government building. LOL. Troypoint should try to get a license to do such a thing and we can become owners by buying shares. GOGO TROYPOINT. :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

You donā€™t make $$$ convecting murders when moneyā€™s involved but for IPTV itā€™s a different story .