Originally published at: https://troypoint.com/major-iptv-operators-convicted/

A federal jury in Las Vegas has convicted five individuals for operating one of the largest pirate IPTV services in the United States. This trial began two weeks ago and is the largest IPTV piracy trial ever recorded in the history of the United States. Now the jury has reached a verdict. The defendants, Kristopher…


cant waite for the movie to come out should still be plenty of places to see it


Aye 48 years. Something tells me the DoJ source is talking complete and utter mince.



Yet illegal invaders, rapists and murderers roam the streets. That’s really setting your priorities in order, DOJ


Exactly my thoughts what are they nuts

Like it’s been said here and comments murderers and rapist get a 5 to 15 are they out of their minds

It all comes back to the money sadly.

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Yes. A 48-year prison sentence is clearly unnecessary for non-violent crime. There is no justification for it. This is the result of a politically motivated legislation and judicial system rather than legitimate justice. ***** has repeatedly stated that the judicial system is corrupt. This is a very good example.


It isn’t an example of anything. “Faces 48 years” is not the same as “sentenced to 48 years”. It’s just classic scaremongering…

No need for insults to other members. Disagree if you like but as Troy says…be nice!

Edit: the member has since deleted their post. I am not yelling at the imaginary kids on my lawn. Lol

For whatever reason they or moderators chose to delete it. And they may if they so choose. i hope it doesn’t discourage them from contributing to TP in a positive way. We all make mistakes and say/do things we regret.

To be honest it wasnt that big of a deal. Just an unnecessary jab questioning someones intelligence. I question my own everyday. Lol


Plus they don’t like politics here, I got flagged for using the name Trump! So just to be wise stay out of the muddy Waters.


I don’t think they should get much time but I do think it was a very unwise move on their part to provide direct content to paid services. Every IPTV provider will have content that might have a Hulu, Netflix, etc label but it’s generally content that’s been released and isn’t illegal to show.

For the consumer, although I’ve always said they’re more interested in those providing the content than who’s receiving it, there’s no need to purchase a service like that and it’s unwise to do so for the simple fact there’s a good chance it’ll get shutdown. That’s what streaming services like FlixVision, CinemaHD, FilmPlus, etc are for. Instead of paying for a service invest in a quality VPN and Real-Debrid and you’ll find anything you want.


Thank you for bringing the thread back on track, I was about to close it.


Yeah, I look over that nonsense in any forum or platform where people can say what they want to but many times say things they shouldn’t. I especially hate it when I’m looking through reviews on a Movie or Series and they turn it into something else. I was just responding to the original topic at hand.

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Any politics goes over my head. No interest or knowledge in US politics.


Miki has a trigger finger :joy:


I sincerely hope all defendants gets a slap on the wrist because they really did no harm to anyone. The Feds are just as bad as the mob.


20 years for murder,48 years for selling subsriptions.Lawyers,guns and Money.Country is a mess

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tumblr_n0pezosmDi1rby04wo1_500 be nice