I know that tp made vid for 1st onn box. But i thought there was 1 for add storage for the 4k pro. Having issues recognizing the thumbdrive. Formatted to Xfat. It did recognize @ 1st then lost it, now won’t. Restarted, toggled enable usb debug, pulled power plug. Nothin . Got the whole box set beautifully w/ custom launcher & * button just right. Help me out c/ cuters. Help me add this scan disk.

It’s usually an issue with USB debugging and even then sometimes, the device seems to get lost and any apps you may have moved to it, no longer show. I finally removed my usb storage from my 4k as things don’t run off it very well. I can’t remember exactly but try turning it off and reboot, go into system and look at your storage.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVTgagAvGrU This should be the video you were looking for!

Thanks much appreciated, I almost got it done. Went on Reddit n sometime suggested to disable Dev options which also disable usb debug, after I did that the thumb drive showed. Set it as internal storage , but don’t see it on my xplorefiles app. Think I see it on another file app I downloaded , es file explorer. I’m recording some stuff now to see where it goes to. Gonna watch that vid , see if I get any clarity
TY again, member “try, try again, if @ 1st ya don’t succeed… try , try , again” my version :rofl:

I would leave dev options alone, it’s only the USB debug and you have control over that. True x-plore has never had the ability to see the drive, never mind actually look inside. Other file managers do. A few years ago, I played with ADM and went crazy trying to download things to usb on a firestick. @Miki would remember me banging my head on the wall. It would not let you change the download folder to USB even though it saw it. Not a single person ever came up with a way to do it. I have been thinking of trying it again with the Onn for the heck of it. I’m glad you got everything going.

I have X-plore and added a ssd to my SK1 and couldn’t get it to see the drive I added. I tried everything and turned off USB debugging on the SK1 and in dev options then rebooted and the drive was finally recognized. Before that I could only get the Total Commander app to recognize it. Turned USB debugging back on. I have it configured as removeable storage now and set up the folders for TiViMate recording and backup. Recordings work perfectly and now I can record a series without problems and still use the Internal 128GB storage for apps. The SK1 has :gear: Additional settings and in there “Storage” which shows the added drive but just names it android. I can play the recording from within X-plore using the Uplayer or from within the TiViMate recording folder with the Tivi player.

I got the Onn Pro to see128g scan disk by turning off usb debug. I’m testing right now with 3 20min. shows from live tv. The thumb drive is set as internal shared storage, however I think I may have to reformat as removable storage in order for xplore to see it, cuz I’ve done it like that before on another device. Whatta think ?

You’re correct. Set it to removable if your intention is to save things to it. Internal, would make it part of the device memory and apps would or could be stored and run from it although not a great idea for something you will often use.

OK ,that sounds good. I believe , like I said, That’s what has worked on my other device. And yes , intention is to record stuff directly to the external thumb dr. It’s an Onn 4k Pro so it’s got plenty of space for apps on its internal. So that’s a yes , reformat to external, create file on xplore for tivimate dwnloads, make that the folder path on tivimate recordings and I should be in business ,Right ???

Got it, gonna give it a go on this Onn 4k Pro that I’m setting up for a friend. Wish me well. That’s the only thing left for me to do. Got it customized real well. Tell me about that SK1 ya got , My budget tops off @ Onn 4K pro price right now , but lookin to treat myself in the future. I’ve thought bout the shield, but I’m not a gamer n that seems to be more for that, besides it’s streaming capacity. What say you?

Glad I could help @mrpink . Often it’s such a simple thing. After I turned off the USB debugging on the SK1 as well as turning DEV options off which also turned off the debug in those settings and rebooted everything I was able to see the SSD using X-plore. Once I made sure I had the folder route and permissions set I turned the USB debugging back on as well as the Dev options the SSD is now seen all the time. I set TiViMate up to record the wife’s soap opera mon to fri. Works like a dream. Wooo hoooo.

Are you starting to like the SK1 bit more now Miki?
I have just ordered one from Alibaba as I had a discount coupon and paid $150 including delivery.
$25 of that was UK tax added : (

Thanks @Miki . Excited cuz its for a good friend. & she’s upgrading from an old FS & never been able to record her shows. Anyway u could tell me how to schedule those recordings , never tried that b4.

The simple answer is yes. I set a couple of my video settings a tad different than you have and the quality of the picture is now amazing. Slowly plodding through all the “Additional settings”. As you saw I finally got around to adding my 256GB Samsung Evo SSD to the USB3 port and I’m running a full spate of tests to see how well it does. As of now, and once I figured out why I could not see the SSD drive in X-plore, it is working and recording perfectly. My next set of tests will be to use X-plore and set up my own internal server. Not out of necessity but out of the desire to compare it to the Shield as I already did that with ease there. I am curious of I can set it up and use my old passwords and IP Addresses, which I doubt as I suspect the Shield and the SK1 will have different internal Addresses. Is this a Shield Pro replacement? Could well be but I have not performed things like NAS yet, so the jury is still out. I do think the extra RAM and Internal storage give it a definite advantage for future proofing. I can’t give any opinion regarding it’s WiFi capabilities as I have mine hardwired. OMG :scream: Don’t tell Mark. The USB 3.0 is definately a bonus and for some reason I don’t yet understand, even if the feed buffers the TiViMate recording does not stop but simply carries on, so that is another +.