This seems to be a recent problem and I hope someone has a fix or a workaround. This occurred with both IPVanish and Surfshark:
I have pretty fast internet speed even with the VPN running, usually between 185-220mbs so when I get buffering, which happens fairly often, I want to change location (assuming it’s a bandwidth problem). But when I change location, I can’t get any channels to work. I have to reboot everything. This seems to have occurred after Charter/Spectrum increased their speed (and my bill).

Has anyone experienced anything like this and if so, how do I fix it?


I had something similar happen yesterday evening on a 4K Max and Km2 plus using SS and Spectrum. Was watching iptv on the Km2 when buffering started getting real bad, tried changing servers on SS didn’t help, then tried all of my different iptv providers (4) no change. Started force stopping and clearing cache on everything and rebooting device, didn’t work actually got worse then nothing worked at all just the blue spinning circle. Did some speed tests and was getting between 1 and 10 mbps tried different Wi-Fi and Ethernet nothing worked. Turned SS off and got over 300 mbps but a few other times I tried I was getting varying results and I don’t stream without a VPN on. Decided to switch on the Max and it was doing the same thing. So I shut everything down for about 10 minutes including router, left the KM2 off for over an hour while I messed with the Max. After starting up the max went to SS to set up and got the dreaded “another Vpn detected “ after force stopping and clearing cache once or twice and trying different servers and another reboot I finally started to get iptv to work and getting good speeds again, I also have SS on my phone and at the same time the devices were having problems my phone was being real laggy and slow. When I started the KM2 back up other than the “another Vpn detected “ everything seemed to be working fine.

When encountering buffering please take a look here, lots of info.

Also, speak with your provider! I cant stress this enough. Your iptv provider cant always give 100 percent buffer free services…

I was having same type of problem. Using SS had to turn off kill switch…disconnect…pick a new server location…reconnect and then turn on kill switch. Could not switch servers otherwise. Would lose speed and connection.

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