Hello, Stremio has been my “go to” app for watching movies and tv shows, but a lot of times the close caption doesn’t work or it buffers all the time. I don’t use real debrid or all debrid. Kodi works well, but if I pause a movie for a bit, the close caption starts to mess up, it starts to lag, then I have to mess with the offset. Anyone have any preference’s on an alternate for Stremio?

Thanking you all in advance…


When encountering buffering please take a look here, lots of info.

Read about buffering frist. Stremio works just fine. You might have to look into a few things.


Do you have all the Subtitle addons installed? Stremio is just a player so the buffering of subtitles may be due to the subtitle source. I don’t use them and I also don’t have any buffering. But try multiple subtitle source add-ons and see if that helps.

I had a stremio update yesterday…so far no issues I think :eyes:

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I couldn’t find any obvious changes in add-ons or settings or anywhere else for that matter. Maybe just bug fixes.


Stremio is my go to also I haven’t been having any problems but I have realdebrid though are you using a VPN. I also use syncler and ocean streams works very well with out realdebrid

Just wanted to add one thing, if you don’t have rd or a perimum service alternatives probably won’t be best.

Try to focus on getting this working. But if you want to try others:

Kodi with oath and crew
Weyd (this one is paid only)

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