Is Aston cine shutting down? What other zinitevi apps are available?

Astoncine is just a clone of cucotv I believe, and with Cucotv being forced to close, due to copyright infringement, I suspect astoncine closed after seeing the “writing” on the wall.

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Take a look here for the best recommend aps with real debrid setup.

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An APP may need storage permissions if you are using say IPTV or other apps that have to add info like playlists, recordings or other files.

Thanks, was looking at f plus, whenever I used it a while back it didn’t ask for storage permission, so thought that was a bit strange.

What is f plus? Not heard of it.

Film Plus may already have the necessary permissions during install. You can always go to settings/apps/Permissions and look at app permissions and even Special app access and even Security & restrictions to see what apps have what permissions. Often, if an app like Film Plus, has asked for some stupid permission like phone and contacts I make sure to turn that off. Of course you can go into your settings/Apps and click on individual apps, then scroll down and click Permissions. Take Analiti as an example, if I go into it’s permissions it wants access to files and media, Location, and phone, none of which it needs to analyze my speeds which is all I use it for, so I have them all set to “Don’t allow”. The process IMHO is all part of learning your device, it’s apps and ensuring the level of security that you are comfortable with.

Thanks, yes they ask for storage permission during install so I cancelled, wonder if I can go back andf turn that permission off after install? Maybe they need that to install it, I don’t know?

Yes you can change permissions after install. I gave the method above using Analiti as an example.

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