I own a onn and it works great. :+1:

I own, and primarily use, a Shield Pro and it works greater. :smirk:


Canā€™t go wrong with Nvidia Shield


Moved away from amazons crap a few years ago, when they were so damn lame as to break every custom launcher that was applied. Lifeā€™s too short to have to keep trying to find workarounds, good riddance to them, and they can stick those forced updates where the sun donā€™t shine ffs.


As soon as I read of this, I bought a new Firestick 4k maxx with 16gb storage.
I have an nVidia Shield Pro but I still like to play around with the firesticks.

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I am no longer disappointed by Amazon because I no longer own their devices.

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On works great in my area with my iptv

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Nothing new here.

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I like the Mecool KM7, big memory and fast with no restrictions.


Iā€™ve been using the Firestick for years. I have 3 or 4 of them now. However,
I tried the $19.88 ONN Streaming box and ended up loving it. I have 3 now and use them exclusively. Adding memory with the OTG is simple and easy to move apps back and forth from memory.

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Like many others, I started entering the streaming world by buying a cheap firestick, which I then jailbroke to install the streaming apps I wanted, (like Kodi). By the end of 2017 I had ditched it for both stock and android tv boxes with more customization options, processing and internal memory. The inherent problems with the firestick you can never get away from are, 1) proprietary operating system with pre installed apps you canā€™t get rid of, 2) limited processing and internal memory that results in freezing and/or buffering while streaming, 3) overheating. As time goes on, Amazon is making it more and more difficult to download and stream what you want on this device. Unlike 2017, there are many more good quality alternatives to the firestick today for streaming that will give you so much more capacity and freedom to do what you want.


my issue with the firestick has always been that it really pisses me off that Amazon gets to load 4gb of crap onto my unit without my permission, leaving me with a measly 1gb for my apps. from what I read, the max still does this and leaves you with very little left. If I could, I would delete 99% of the crap that Amazon laodsā€¦


Iā€™m looking to get rid of my 3 firesticksā€¦what would you recommend as th best replacement that will still allow TiviMate?

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Ugoos, (stock android) or BuzzTV, (android tv) devices are excellent. They do cost more but are of higher quality and have better customer support than most of the cheaper generic Chinese android boxes for sale. You can access reviews on some of these devices here at Troypoint. Even though it is cheap, I would stay away from the Onn tv box. Like the Amazon Firestick, it has only 2 gbs of RAM and 8 gbs of internal memory. TV Box Stop is also a good source for reviews.

Just another good reason to throw
any type of amazon streaming device in the garbageā€¦ They suck on so many different levels. Nvidia shield all the way baby!!!

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The Onn 4k box has replaced two of my firesticks. They work great. I couldnā€™t be happier that a sub $20 box could work as well, and in many cases, faster than my 4k sticks. Install the clean Projectivy launcher and never look back.

For my primary, I happily use a shield pro.


Crash, it goes from biggest selling device to a prop in a childā€™s playhouse. Im always amazed at how little these huge companies know their customers. Nothing stream related will sell again. Entrepreneurs will be popping out of the woodwork sucking up previous fire stick customers. Amazon will have to change back or not bother trying to sell streaming devices entirely. I have a Nvidia. Best purchase Iā€™ve ever made.

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I firmly believe that most of Amazons customers are not using it in the same way as we are. Our purchase and future lack of purchase would only be a ripple in their cash flow. Our business of course is going elsewhere, in my case it was to Onn first. Not sure where next but for now, Onn does everything I need it to.


Onn Google TV boxes. They work flawlessly, theyā€™re customizable and o ly cost $20 each

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Like everyone else says go to Walmart and pick up the ONN 4K for $20 I run a KODI Build on it as well as a proprietary App for main IPTV and Tivimate with backup IPTV. Or if you want more storage and donā€™t want to mess with external USB get one of the myriad of Cheap Chinese Stock Android Boxes like the T95Z Plus. No need for a high end box IMO


Youā€™re correct Wizard. We are a tiny minority in how we use our devices.

Many people canā€™t even tolerate a spare cable or two, so nearly every TV comes with a ā€˜smartā€™ OS, all of which are clunky and are as limited as the sticksā€¦and sticks are a bad idea thermodynamically, theyā€™re designed morebto be hidden than to operate well.

(Roku based is the least clunky, IMO.)

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