Being new here I don’t want to get into trouble but I am wondering if it’s allowed to post a question asking if anyone knows if there is a issue with a specific iptv provider? My paid provider seems to have disappeared and I have no idea what’s up. Wondering if they’re gone for good due to the new court ruling on ip blockers having to block them now.

Thanks in advance!


We don’t discuss IPTV services here for a myriad of reasons. However you can go to and discuss issues there. Btw, thanks for asking that was smart. One small suggestion is to read the rules as there is a section talking about IPTV.


Where on Troypoint can I ask?

Is there a specific link?

Really appreciate the help!

Ask our ever working mod @TP-Dracoo.

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Yes he is a top notch helper guy :face_with_monocle: :grimacing:



As we cant discuss them here, you can however personal msg people on here about providers.

Feel free to send me a pm i will see if i know.


Been using the same service for almost a year now and like what I get.

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I created a telegram were we can talk about stuff like this. Telegram: Join Group Chat


wassup Dach…

Who were u using?, maybe i kno sumthin…

Ive tried probly 50 or so in last cpl yrs

(its ok to name names in pmssg)

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Sketch addict here too. I try all I can get my hands no. I only have 7 service right now. lol


Woke up this morning and our service seems to be up and working. The EPG is still down but I’m sure it will also come back online.

My provider said they were moving the server.

Thanks for all the info !



Lots of people willing to help, click name and send msg. Glad things are working sir.

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Can you help with locating a Playlist for Chicago local channels? I am a Newbee.