I have a KM7 and a Buzz5 4900 yesterday on both boxes they started to buffer every 2 minutes for about 30 to 50 seconds I unplug my router, modem boxes waited 30 minutes before plugging everything in went into the modem turned of security toggle to off provider been helping but can’t figure it out either he say xfinerty is 1 of the providers that messes with IPTV any help will be great thanks


When encountering buffering please take a look here, lots of info.

Then contact your iptv guy after that if your speeds are fine.

This started yesterday Download speed 372.09Mbps Uploasd11.98Mbps so i don’t see a problem

are you using a vpn?

yes I am using nord vpn

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Any over heating of boxes?


No i unplug the boxes for 15 minutes and it does it within a few minutes The KM7 box i am using Tivimate The Buzz5 box I am using the Buzz5 app


so everything is buffering (all boxes). Wifi or ethernet?

It has to be on the IPTV provider’s side. I would contact them.

Both Wifi and ethernet every 2 minutes it stops than about 30 to 60 secs it comes back on

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is it your modem/router? and hows the speed on a pc if possible


whoops, accidently deleted my comment. Have you tried different VPN locations and protocols?

yes Canada US, Netherlands about 6 more


is the issue still there without the vpn?

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I even disable my VPN and it still does it could it be the iptv provider


Do you have more than one provider? If you do does it occur with another provider?

yes either your provider or your equipment, you could try swapping cables between router and modem and modem and wall

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if its their equipment have them swap it, if its your you might want to try another

No just the one provider

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I turned off my VPN and it seems it is not buffering now