It’d been more than a year since I tried Cinema, so I thought I’d give it another whirl.
I set it to only scrape debrid, but so far I’m not thrilled.

First, it takes so long to get more than 2 or 3 choices to stream.
Second, the only player that easily & reliably displays subtitles is Kodi. And that’s been the case for both embedded & downloaded subs that play in sync with stream if they show up at all.
Third, the search feature did not locate a couple of programs that were readily found using a Kodi addon.

Does anybody have any suggestions about improving Cinema’s performance before I abandon it again for awhile.


Hey @elginherd I have a paid iptv service with a good VOD…but, I always try to have good backups. I went ahead & downloaded Kodi w/The Crew & used to have CinemaHD also as a backup…but when it started getting all wonky many months ago, I started trying many others hoping to find one that was “similar” to cinema & ended up with TeaTV. If you haven’t tried it I would give it a shot…of the half dozen I have tried, it seems the best to me. As many posts as I’ve read here complaining about Cinema, I’m not sure it’ll ever get back to its original glory. GL2U :cowboy_hat_face:


Can also be found in Troy’s RAI.


I tried Stremio briefly but retreated to Kodi quickly when my family and I wanted to watch a couple of movies.
I will give that and Tea TV s shot when I get a chance to fool with them while I’m alone.


Stremio imho is far superior to any kodi movie and tv series add-on. Like kodi Stremio has add-ons, you just need to install them and then you won’t really need Real-Debrid either as it findz tons of sources. Just be sure to use a VPN as well.


Many here speak very highly of Stremio (like Miki suggested) & or Syncler with Real Debrid…hopefully, you can latch on to one or more of these 3 & keep the family happy. :family:


For me, Stremio has been almost exclusively the app I use. Why? It works, not might work, sort of works, could work, It works and you watch what you want.

The use of a VPN is a must as it uses mostly torrents but I would not turn on my firestick without one. Check it out and you will forget most of the other apps except ones for a specific purpose exist.


I have been using Cinema Ver.2.4 for some time and have had very few problems. I stream mostly series and use RD. I use the default player and get many results including 4k.


Miki and Wizard,
Do you have a recommendation(s) for which addons to try?

I’m most interested in TV series.

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Simply go into the add-ons “Community” and enable every one that is for Movies and Series. That way you’ll have a wide selection. from 420 to 4K.


Exactly what Miki said. You will probably add most and leave out ones that bring in movies and stations that are exclusively for languages you may not speak or understand. They are not added on your firestick, they are at the server level so you will not be taking up any space. It’s a great way to do things.


Thanks guys.
While my wife and daughters are out shopping spending me into poverty, I’ll install Stremio and TeaTv and play around with them.
The great thing about having expanded internal memory is that apks don’t really eat up much room percentage wise.

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I mist be one of the lucky ones. I have used Cinema for almost 2 years. Use Real-debrid and have not had an issue. See my process for error free entertainment every 4 hours.
I will start with the VPN.
Server speed changes all day. With that fact. it makes sense to disconnect and reconnect every so often.
Once a week, force stop of the app your using.
Clear cache.
Start Cinema.
Also, i would check your Real-debrid account is loaded.
If that does not work, uninstall and reinstall from Troy.
Reenter Real-debrid and enjoy.


I tested TeaTV for a while, but once you get use to Stremio it has way more features. As an example, lets say you found an actor in the Movie or Series you are watching in Stremio, With the Movie or series open simply click on the actor or directors name on the left side and a bunch more movies/series will pop up that they acted in or directed. Also for series you’ll get all the seasons. Save your series to your library and they will be added and they will show the day they play.


I only ever use one server for my ExpressVPN and it stays that way for every episode and series I ever watch in Stremio. Never a need to change. As for cache clearing, for me that’s a daily maintenance item just before I go to bed, and my 4K Max is never left on, power is shut off after every days use. And unlike Cinema etc. there is nothing loaded onto my stick, all my add-ons are kept on their server allowing for a more secure app as add-ons cannot adversely affect your device with malware,adware,or spyware.


I got a chance to mess around a little with Stremio.
So far, I like it much better than Cinema.
But there are two issues that I have to find solutions to:
-It is not as easy to rewind the stock player as it is with Kodi. I need to find out how to utilize an external player to (hopefully) address this.
-There are links which do not work. I haven’t tried incorporating RD with Stremio, so I have to explore that. With RD, links on all my Kodi addons very seldom fail.


I’ve never had any issues with a link not playing. Do you know which source it came from? You can also go into the settings and “Always start video in external player”. There are going to be occasional links that may not play, after all they’re free. Same as “unable to play” in kodi. These things happen, at least with Stremio there are many more sources and you just pick one.

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I’ll try the external player setting.
AFA nonplaying links, this almost never happens with a RD link with a Kodi addon.

I’m just a newbie with Stremio, so I just need a little time to get used to its interfaces and settings.

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Exactly and in Stremio once you get RD in it’s the same. But even without RD Stremio pulls all sorts of links and I’ve never been unable to watch anything I want in Stremio and add-ons in Stremio are far safer to use.

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Is TeaTV the same as Tubi. I couldnt find it in my app store. Or do you download directly from web site?