As many have posted in other feeds, external storage with flashdrive and otg cable isn’t working for me. However, es explorer and x plorer recognize the sandisk flashdrive I formatted. Does anyone know of a way to download direcrly from cyberflix to the flashdrive? Firestick 4k OS Sandisk 512gb(formated to Fat32 using Rufus) with Suyama OTG adapter. I’ve tried changing file location within cyberflix and won’t do it unless its internal storage. I can select to use ES Explorer but still initially runs off of internal storage as well. :man_shrugging:t3:

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There are posts on Utube on how to get it working. I have used the post to get mine to work. I have used xplore to move some apps to the USB storage. I have had no problems,all apps can’t be moved to USB. I would recommend using smart Utube when viewing the posts…

Do search “firestick USB storage”.


Welcome to the community.

Please review this for all firestick issues and guides, if the following hasn’t worked feel free to ask.

This should resolve most to all issues.

Videos are here for storage.


We have whole topics and videos posted above on this very issue as well.

Appreciate the response. I will check these out. Unfortunately, everything I have watched says I should be getting certain responses from following the steps that I am not getting. But it appears there are a couple topics here I have not seen before so again, I will check them out and appreciate you sending these to me for reference. Best Regards.

I have posted the exact same problem here a few weeks ago. ES will acknowledge that the external drive is there, but will only download to the internal storage. Another user give some suggestions but they didn’t work. I’ve looked on YouTube but have not found a post that addresses this problem. If you find a solution, if you could be so kind to pass it on to me.

I would be happy to.

Interesting that you are still getting streams on CyberFlix - I get nothing!

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