Originally published at: Does Law Enforcement Run Fake IPTV Portals to Entrap Users?

A recent piracy scare story has ignited discussions on a sensational claim—that fake IPTV portals allegedly operated by law enforcement in Italy are entrapping unsuspecting users. According to the report, these decoy websites aim to collect personal data and evidence of illicit activity from ordinary people. Despite the dramatic nature of these allegations, the report…



Fake News!

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Maybe splitting hairs here.
But does anyone remember the show to catch a predator? I would not put it past them to do something like this. Would be a funny show if they redid it to catch a :pirate_flag:

Not aware that LE does, but ACE members and their predecessors (MPAA) most certainly have.

i really hope that’s not true…so much serious crime out here…i mean really bad stuff?
and law enforcement spend thier precious resources on streaming iptv?
im hoping that’s not true


In America, we call that “entrapment”.


entrapment requires encouragement to the wrong

Maybe it’s finally time to cancel those accounts and re-up with an alias email (Proton Mail) and bitcoin. Sure it would be more difficult, but why do I think law enforcement would go after the people trying to be anonymous first?

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Fake news. I think the government outside the USA needs to concentrate more on actual crime and not pirate TV