Firestick OS was shown not allow the disabling of Amazon Updates. a week ago. More recently a newer version of the OS was was listed in a post to block the update. Has something changed or is still unusable ? Thanks

I have and have the TDUK update blocker installed and working. Wolf Launcher running. No problems.

Can you point me to the Troypoint tutorial you used to remove the automatic update ? Many thanks.

Please review this for all firestick issues and guides, if the following hasn’t worked feel free to ask.

This should resolve most to all issues.

Its in there.

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I believe that most of us have been using the ADB command to prevent as best as we can further updates that could in practice and theory block launchers and any third party app. Unless new apps come out, I will stay at that has not crippled the 4k stick.

Ya the TDUK update blocker app worked for me on both the 6 2.8 1 4K and the Max. I’ve been very lucky.

Thanks for the responses. Unfortunately neither the TDUK nor the ADB commands worked on the
Frrestick 4K. I guess I’m stuck with Amazon’s blocking.

I’m afraid at this point you maybe stuck with the updates and blocking

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