So, regarding preferred VOD apps, I’ve heard about apps like RD, Syncler, Kodi, Plex, etc (or sometimes combinations of them together). But from my, admittedly, relatively small knowledge of them, they all seem rather “involved”, as far as general app maintenance, updates, searching various links for the best series/movie stream, and things of that nature.
And then there are those apps that will give you a nicer, more intuitive user interface, like Cinema, Popcornflix, etc. But those seemingly have a history of being glitchy, full of ads, unreliable sources, and things like that.
Just thought I’d bring up an app similar to the concept of those more “user friendly” apps just above. It’s called MovieBoxPro(not to be confused with the previous Moviebox app that got shutdown). It really is incredible. The catalog is massive, and most of the offerings come from the primary source (ie: Netflix, HBO, etc), so the quality is essentially perfect. No ads or anything either. The cost is minimal (there is even a “family plan” option that is dirt cheap). And the user interface truly is a similar feel to using Netflix, Prime, Hulu, or any of the like.
I mainly just wanted to spread the word of this awesome app that I use on a daily basis. But also, wanted to see, if there was anybody that ALREADY uses it, how they would compare it to the apps I listed in the first paragraph. I feel like I’ve got the best there is with this app currently, but I’m always happy to be proven wrong!
Ps…this was not intended to be anywhere NEAR as long as it ended up being.