I have an older 2017 4K that has been in my cupboard for months since I got my 4k Max. I think, just for fun, I’ll take it out and fire it up and see what happens. My big concern is I have 12 brand new 4k Maxs and I’m wondering what will happen when a customer wants one and I reg it to their account. Obviously it will update, will it then have the new “protected module” warning? So maybe time to take one out, reg a new amazon account, and do a full load/update of the stick and see what can or can’t be done, including the use of the Wolf launcher and Launcher manager. Inquiring minds want to know.

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This all reminds me of days long ago when testing cards and emulators, atmega cards for satellite consumed my time as they would go down all the time but I digress.

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@Bh69ss ip address is
port 5555

command is

pm clear com.amazon.device.software.ota


You have to allow the ADB connection from your computer on the firestick. When you attempt to connect from your computer, you should get a prompt to allow on your firestick screen.

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Using adblink pc I have this error:
java.lang.SecurityException: Cannot disable a protected package: com.amazon.device.software.ota.override
java.lang.SecurityException: Cannot disable a protected package: com.amazon.device.software.ota

In the stick the debug, the remote adb shell and the troypoint are on

can anyone help me?

@donnje Try running the command on the device itself. Not through a computer linked to the device.

Download the ADB shell (on Troy’s Rapid App Installer) directly to the device.

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Looks like you’re to late. If you’re getting the protected package warning it means the latest update has gone in and you have what you have. Sorry but there isn’t any going back.

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Sounds like a line I’ve heard in many a movie… :face_with_diagonal_mouth: :laughing:

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I know. I’m famous. Autographs 5 TPB ( Troy point bucks)


And marriages! Lol :bride_with_veil:


I’m using Wolf Launcher on my 4K. If I don’t block further Amazon updates will it just eventually open on the Amazon Home Screen? I don’t want to ruin my Syncler. Or out of precaution should I just delete Wolf Launcher.

It’s my understanding that you will be returned to the stock launcher and the Launcher Manager will do nothing. So if you are going with the update it really doesn’t matter, eventually it will just be 2 useless apps on you stick taking up space.

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Thank you Rkrasman and Money for all the help, got it to work on at least one of the 4Ks . :+1:

Thanks, I’ll try that this weekend.

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Did you try it ? If so what results did or didn’t you have?

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Gonna try this weekend. I’ll post results.

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On 4k stick. TDUKs apk failed, but cleared waiting update/install with Troys app install REMOTE ADB and cmd “pm clear com.amazon.device.software.ota”.

Wolf Launcher still working, but will have to avoid restarting and keeping eyes on pending installs… :roll_eyes:

Plug the bs stick into o e of your usb ports on your tv. Those ports usually do not have enough power to do a download and install.

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can you share the link to this solution please??

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Which solution are you referring to? If it’s the adb command then do a search here and you’ll find it, and if searching for update blocker that to will be in your search as well as the links needed.

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