I trust this is ok to post here. I saw it hours ago and have not seen it here yet.
Watched this a couple of days ago. My issue is not being able to use my VPN after this method. So guess I’ll keep watching fo the next fix. TDUK is a great resource and Like Troy they work tirelessly for our benefit. Huge shout out. Tx.
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After I follow teckdoctoruk video, if I switch to on my vpn the steps I took to block Amazon updates will not work?
That’s my understanding, but he does provide a work around. You must make sure before restarting that you check to see if an update has been downloaded and is pending and then run a specific ADB command to remove that pending update, and then you can safely restart your device. It’s in his vid.
That was my understanding as well. I wanted to share this as it’s really focused on the use of a launcher when in fact, I do believe most of us are more concerned with the likely chance they might block 3rd party apps. I use a VPN all the time so it won’t do much for me in this state but ensuring the Updates are cleared will.
Once again, my concern is the odd crash of these devices that would force a reboot and not allow us to clear the update.
Seems like the next logical step in the progression of fighting the money elites attempts of control. Would be for a developer to make an APK that auto checks for any pending updates and will alert you and then auto delete the offending intrusive virus that Bezos refers to as an update!
I mean, if we can do it manually. Then some ingenious developer can write code to accomplish that task. Otherwise, this method, although good, will eventually fail because of user neglect.
That can be done, however its not worth the effort on amazon devices. Its easier to move to something els that does the same.
Most people have smart tvs which had hd netflix and prime on it anyway. The box is for everything els.
I knew this was comming so lets try to adapt. Locked frimware and locked os is hard to access. Bypassing the efuse requires some skill. But if this efuse starts becoming a common occurrence on everything then id look into it more.
Right now I am seriously looking at getting another device to replace my nVidia tube. I am not so certain I wish to go with another nVidia Pro because of their mishandling of their latest update. Although, I do think they will eventually fix that issue, but I also see nVidia trending towards the Bezos model of doing business. In other words, how long before nVidia pushes out updates like Bezos has done to control your content?
When nVidia started promoting Netflix that was a sign of nVidia’s direction. Will nVidia see the light, or will they succumb to the controlling elites?
I wouldn’t mind trying one of those Ugoos boxes, but I don’t like the long wait on getting one and if you have issues with the product you are pretty much stuck with it. Options to return are expensive, slow, and not guaranteed.
I like getting my devices at local stores for reasons of simplicity of quickly and simply returning, or replacing the device if necessary.
Some time back I mentioned Amazon and their “Machine learning” model which they’ve already rolled out and are using. I do believe it will be a matter of blocking any 3rd party unverified and unlicensed apps on things like the stick in the near future. They will use the approach that this will be for our own safety and security. So I agree with @TP-Dracoo that we’ll have to give those working behind the scene, time to either come up with solutions or we wait for another tech giant to release a totally new open source device. I am overrun with phone calls and work for my customers that have lost their Wolf launchers, beloved apps, and now their device, once again, looks like a huge advertisement for Amazon backed content and products. At least we still have freedom to dump them, but it comes at a cost.
Losing the launcher is a pain. Losing the ability to use 3rd party apps is a show stopper. There is a toolbox being worked on that will just do it in a click instead of using ADB. Scanning memory for a file and removing it should be no problem, well unless the hardware can hide it.
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When I opened my Firestick 4K this morning I had “update last checked 02/25/2022” had to run adb command (pm clear com.amazon.device.software.ota) to change it back to “update last checked never”. The last thing I do each night is check the up date status before I close the Firestick 4k for the night. It was “never” last night. Also for Firestick 4K good health reasons I clear the cache every night. Wonder if I should follow @Miki and disconect power to the stick each night also! Still at version want to keep it that way util someone comes up with a permanent Amazon update blocker.
I was thinking the same thing. Amazon could start forcing the device to reboot, thus installing the updates.
I assume they could download the updates. Force reboot to install the updates within minutes of each other.
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Killing power may be wise move MCat…when I only had a firestick a while back I remember waking up in the wee hours & seeing my tv lit up with an update going on…as my firestick was only asleep. The wee hours are a popular time for ISP updates…so it made sense to me back then…but with amazon on the offensive lately…pulling the plug at bedtime sounds like the proper move.
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That can be done right now, like mobile phones now they can be set to auto update after a certian time of not updating will trigger a reboot. Samsungs do it regardless if you choose not too. Its built into the os, rooting is the only way to bypass.
So i can see amazon being the same, if you shut it off it could trigger a search for updates… again we will see. For now use what works.
@TP-Dracoo That is true, excellent point…
Iyam…it’s called a non amazon device
One way to catch when an update is installd to your device and awaiting for a reboot. If your VPN is not set to start automatically you will see your vpns activity symbol off.
My VPN Safety Dot flashes red and I know an update was pushed down to my device.
I then run the ADB command
My firestick is an old 2nd gen w/OS 5…I keep it for backup only & it has updated to the point where I have no more control, which I don’t care because it is a backup that I fire up maybe once a week just to keep the rust off. I just had an update go thru today & am seeing if more things are restricted. If it gets to a point where I can’t even use it as a backup, then I’ll just toss it & get a $20 ONN android box someone posted about, & use it as a backup…definitely got my $$$ worth out of it. My main box is google certified, so who knows how long before they’ll start doing stupid stuff against it.
@pangaeatech I have a few Firesticks too…just squeezing every bit of good out of them. Then move onto a Shield Pro or Android box. Guess I just like playing Cat & Mouse with it.
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My problem is that living in Mexico if I want a superior device to the stick, which I do, and to get one legally, the import fees and taxes make the latest Ugoos price almost $400/Canadian. The sticks were easy to bring in. Oh well, just another hurdle to confront.
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