Troypoint has a new video tutorial for the firestick 4K max to increase its storage. How to Expand Internal Storage on Firestick & Fire TV Cube
Follow the instructions carefully to make sure you do not miss anything.

Hi Boomerian, cont’d from my last message. Your message is confusing. The firestick does not come with an OTG cable you have to order that separately. And, it is quite a process to follow the tutorial and set it up. If you plan on saving a lot of stuff as in sports, movies etc you probably should have bought an android TV box that has lots of storage. Not sure why you would want to download movies as most are available onlint to stream.

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Hi Jayhawks659, I feel so stupid. I was not running the command prompt as administrator. All is good and I have two 32GB USB drives now woo hoo. Thankyou.

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I want to have additional storage for apps, since it seems everyone agrees that 5GB is too little. Also I would like to record (primarily sporting events) to watch at my leisure. I know (since I had to buy 2) that the OTG does not come with the Firestick 4K. I have watched several videos, and followed the Troypoint instructions several times, and (although the power obviously flows through both OTG cables, it is not recognized either in the “My Fire TV”/About/Storage (which reads, under External Space: “No USB Storage Detected”)
I have tried ADB Shell, entered the IP address of the Firestick, then “5555” (per instructions) and the cursor then appears “sheldonp:/$” after which I enter (per instructions “sm list-disks” click run and “sheldonp:/$” reappears.
Clearly the Firestick does not recognize the USB stick (I’ve tried two, both Sandisks, 32GB 2,0 and 128GB 3.0 Ultra)
Having tried both flash drives in both cables, I can’t think it’s either the drives or the cables. When on the home screen, I plug either flash drive in and neither results in the translucent indication on the screen, as describe in the instructional videos.
All versions up-to-date, cache cleared, Firestick restarted multiple times…
Can anyone suggest something other than what I’ve already done? Thks

Could this be because I am using a Firestick (3rd Gen)? Xplore does not display a “root” folder. OS is Absolutely formatted (FAT32, EXFAT) Sandisk 128GB Ultra USB, that is still not recognized…? Is there someone who can tell me what’s wrong here?

Not ignoring you. Just haven’t had sufficient time to write a thorough response yet.

I would try erasing one of the drives using command prompt as administrator on a PC. Use the diskpart command to clean it. You can find instructions by googling it. Then format it to FAT32 again. Plug it into the firestick when it’s already on and you should see a notification pop up that the device was detected. If you don’t get a notification don’t worry about it. And you may not even be able to see the device in the firestick settings. I tried this on a firestick 4K and never saw the USB device in the settings menu. But when you open X-plore you should be able to see it as external usb storage. It has nothing to do with the root folder. Once you know that the device is detected then you can follow the steps to format it for internal storage.

I also made another post on here about formatting options. If you’re formatting a single USB drive for mixed use (internal and external) it doesn’t always have to be 50/50. When you enter the command to format it change the “50” to whatever percentage you want. I think the percentage you set is for the internal storage part, but I could be wrong. If it’s backward then repeat the process again using the other number.

Have done all that you suggested - still no luck. X-plore does not display external usb storage, and when I drop down to the storage folder under Root, two more subfolders, labeled “emulated” and “self,” both display “Access denied.”
I don’t think the formatting is the problem. The OS does not seem to recognized the USB. At all. Thanks for your attempts to help.

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I don’t know why you are looking in the root folder. Perhaps I missed that in whatever video you’ve watched. If the drive is properly formatted and your OTG setup works the way that it should then you should see it separately. I’m running an Nvidia Shield, but the file system looks about the same in X-plore. Are you sure your OTG cable is working?

What are the OTG cables that you have? Have you ever been able to verify that they work? Have you used either of them on a different device with success?

Hi Boomerian, I see Jayhawks giving you great advice. I just want to let you know that I did increase the storage on my Firestick 3rd Gen and Firestick 4K using Sandisk 32GB flash drives. I followed troypoints video slowly and exactly and both worked first time. The partitions, storage all showed in Explore. My problem was the next day I could not access the USB (even though all showed up in explore, strange). Now, thanks to Jayhawk I have formatted the USB’s and for the fun of it I am going to try again. I will let you know …


If you want you can use Easus partition master to remove both partitions and then create one large partition (whole drive). Then format it.

Had replied to a similar post this this week.
I have found the drives are NOT the weakest link.
After experimenting with 16 to 256 gig drives from ScanD, all worked. My only failures have come from cheap Lan/USB adapters.
I use AUVIPAL and have no intention of removing anything from them. They work great but not built for multiple drive swaps.
Bottom line … check your interface.


Amazon is sending two more adapters, since I agree with your suggestion. (They may be junk as well:() Have not heard of AUVIPAL but will follow up (having tried all other suggestions). Thanks.

I got mine off Amazon. Try searching for 3-Port Charging OTG Host Cable Cord Adapter for TV Stick. Worked fine for my Sandisk usb drives and with my current pocket ssd (works awesome).


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This one worked very well for me.

I used this one.

I like having the 3 outlets. It lets me use my ssd and usb drives at the same time (or connect a keyboard etc).


Hello Everyone, formatting a drive as FAT32 is simple with Rufus. See my video and screenshot guide here How to Format USB Drive to FAT32 on Windows PC and Mac Computers If the format worked but not showing anymore, try rebooting your device with USB drive connected.

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@Boomerian, it’s prob not the OTG. Your USB stick needs to be formatted on a computer PRIOR to plugging it in Firestick. It’s a program to download on your PC called RUFUS. Troypoint has a very precise tutorial here:
[ How to Format USB Drive to FAT32 on Windows PC and Mac Computer](https:// How to Format USB Drive to FAT32 on Windows PC and Mac Computer)

Hope this helps.

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I guess I didn’t make it clear that I had followed all relevant posts and videos, and had formatted both drives on a Windows 10 PC with Rufus (and the CMD line). Alas, no joy.