What movie was that statement made in, “Assumption is the mother of all evil”?
Agreed, with a decent catch up, you never need to record anything.
Have to repeat for fire tv users. Turn off ADB if you use USB local. You can not access USB on Firestick if you turn on ADB in the developer settings. This is how you use USB in TIVIMATE, by turning off ADB settings.
I don’t even know what catch up is. I get all my VOD Shows/Movies on either KODI or my IPTV Service (The shows and movies there are VOD as well) and the only thing I watch Live is News, Sports, and Sports Channels - ESPN, FOX Sports, etc… on my IPTV.
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Catchup is becoming less and less of a feature providers will carry.
Anyone else but me, having issues after the latest update, 5.0.3 with the Assign EPG function? Use to be you chose Assign EPG, then once the list loads on the right you could change the source for a channel and it was immediately applied, or applied within a few seconds, now I have to manually update the EPG to get my new choice to take. Cleared cache, reset modem, rebooted, no change.
2019 Shield Pro
V.5.0.3 Tivimate
I haven’t had issues with assigning epgs that I am aware of, but that could mean that I just haven’t stumbled across that issue yet. Seriously, though, I did check it out and I could assign as normal, and no issue presented itself.
However, I have discovered a couple of issues of my own regarding wake up, reminders, and soundbar. All of these are malfunctioning, i.e., soundbar is not being recognized (sometimes) device does wake up to remind or record, reminders will not store and will disappear upon exit from Tivimate.
Consequently, I have now rolled back to v.5.0.2 and that is where it will stay for the foreseeable future.
Because of the shoddy updates of late. I really do think Alex is no longer the developer. 
No problems with reminders etc., or recording schedules, but definately some odd glitches with various settings. As you mentioned, could just be me stumbling across some intermittent issues. Odd though. Going to do some more digging today and may roll back to 5.0.2 as well. I’ve kept a backup after each update, so should be easy. Have a good day PF.
Looks like 5.0.3. has two builds. 5030 and 5032. tivimate.com APK is the 5032 build. Still can’t find any change log though.
Yeah, I saw that 5032 mentioned a day or so ago. I’m staying with 502 until all the dust settles. It’s not like I’m missing out on any new features. The updates are just fixes to things the 5.0 broke.
Tbh, 470 worked great and there really was no added value to even update from that version.
I agree. The 4.7.0 worked just fine. I haven’t seen any major advantage to installing the update, just some weird App behaviour. After so many issues trying to get stable recording in Tivi on my Shield Pro I had the most unusual thing happen. In the middle of a recording I decided to shut down my router, wait for a few minutes and then turn it back on. I did not shut the Shield down, or close Tivi. Now I fully expected a complete fail of the recording. Nope, when the shield had once again connected to the net and my VPN was active the recording had continued unabated. How the blazes it did that is beyond me. 
Wait a sec. You dis connected your device from the internet and the TM recording was not adversely affected?
Is the device you are using to record connected via ethernet?
My Shield is connected via ethernet to the router/modem that I shut off. My removable storage is a 256GB Samsung evo SSD in a usb connected housing. Yes I shut the router down, left the Shield running and Tivimate. I only shut the power off to the router/modem. Then I started the Modem back up and waited for the network to reset. I never thought anything about the Tivimate and it’s recording but once my network, vpn, and safety dot were all back up and running I immediately went into tivimate recordings to see how much of the recording I had lost and it was recording the program I had interrupted. No idea how.
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TIVIMATE 5.03 now is EXPERIMENTAL again. Can’t trust it to work. Might roll back to 4.7 and wait a month.
Catch up is a live stream that the provider records on the server. This means that you can select any show and watch it.
eg - your favorite sports overlap, watch cricket match live then later on watch the football match you missed.
Catch up on MYTVOnline 2, Today is Monday 22 April - here is a screen shot of US MLB channel showing my catch up option from yesterday or I can go back to any show back to 15 April
Catch up on Tivimate - TNT sports channel
I am guessing that it will have failed to record while your router was powered down, meaning a black screen during the time it was not connected in that recording.
You will know when you watch the recording
I think you missed my point though. After years of using TiViMate, and being a power user, if indeed it did record anything, and I’ll check as soon as I can, then this is an entirely new behaviour after the recent updates as TiViMate is notorious for dropping the recording with the slightest hiccup like dropped feed, lockup or buffering.
I just checked. No blank spots at all. But I did notice this was on a channel with catchup, so it must have paused where the feed stopped and once the internet was reestablished it picked right up where it left off. If this is what happened then indeed it’s new.
LOL I am a Sports Addict but I never ever watch recorded Sports. If it’s not Live oh well I missed it and will watch the Highlights on ESPN or some other Sports News Show. And the other Stuff - Shows/Movies I watch commercial Free on KODI or VOD on my IPTV service. Catch up? LOLOLOL! 
I was thinking of the movie dark territory with Steven seagal his nemesis. But he didn’t use the mother of all evil he’s used another word.
The pic I posted is from the movie. I’ll see if I can get the exact title. Can’t find it now.
Under siege 2 >> assumption is the mother of all f*** ups.
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