This appears to be one of the most popular threads I’ve run across, but I’ve never used TiviMate. I didn’t realize it was so popular, I’ve been using Smarters Pro but just for a short time so far. Are there significant advantages of using TiviMate or better functionality? Just wondering.
I would use the search and read some articles. A lot of your questions have already been answered. You will find that Tivimate, and Sparkle are about the most popular IPTV players here.
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Dang that’s a lot of updates in a short period of time lol. Any change log available for this one?
I havent made this update yet, all is well
Already in and no noticeable changes, and like the others, no changelog that I can find.
Been running TiViMate through it’s paces for hours, no noticeable glitches.
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I am still holding out on the update, still running 4.7. Waiting for the all clear from the masses, LOL.
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Since the updates from 4.7, to current one is 5.0.4, i been having issues with tivimate, when i open the app to watch tv, the channels takes 2-4 minutes to start streaming, same issue if i change the channel, fyi i am using an Nvidia shield and IPVanish vpn. Not sure if anyone else is having this issue and if there is something I can do on my end to correct this.
I have Tivimate with a bunch of free m3u8 installed and I have no issues. I get up in the morning. Turn everything on using the Shield Pro remote. I have Tivimate set up to start when the shield starts. So within say 30 seconds TiViMate has opened to the last Playlists EPG where I left off and is ready for me to make my choices, set recordings schedule and reminders for the day. Pop goes the weasel.
Can anyone point me to the companion app that is compatible with the new firestick? Trying to get premium.
Not sure what the problem is but it might be the easy fix if you just uninstall the tivimate and do a fresh install if you have all the info to reload all of your services.
Yeah I guess Im gonna do that over the weekend, last resort and hope it solves the issue
@TROYPOINT looks like you can finally purchase TiviMate from the website using Apple Pay or credit card, etc.
You can now purchase Premium Lifetime subs using the official web site.
I see it now. Thank you much Pf.
I have been paying by yearly for $9.95 for TiVimate but it’s not looking like they are offering it any longer on their website . Here’s my question . If I buy the life time membership do have to wait untill my current subscription completely runs out before renewing? My other question is if I chance to a life time subscriptions will I loose all my current playlists ?
where can you find the best settings on tivimate. there are so many in setting dont know what to turn on and what to turn off
It all depends on your device and what you want to do. This should help.